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June 7, 2022


June is Rotary Fellowships Month

6/9 Speaker Hal Coleman
6/23 Rotary Awards
6/30 No Meeting. Come join is as we celebrate a new Rotary Year!


6/14 Past Presidents Dinner
6/30 John's Installation Party!

Our Rotary Family

6/1 Joe Mazzeo
6/7 John Wolfe
6/7 Jay Pickett, III
6/9 Kenneth Carter
6/11 Mike Prewett
6/13 Nancy Alterman
6/13 Kym Leonard
6/14 George McFarlin
6/16 Brian Hansford
6/17 Mary Trapp
6/21 Haniel Jones
6/22 Hal Coleman
6/23 Syd Mostajabi
6/23 John Ross
6/23 Bonnie Mauldin
6/26 David Young
6/26 William Lindsey
6/29 Lisa Carlisle
6/30 Tori Alterman


6/2 Lori Allen (5)
6/12 Ronald Cowan (25)
6/20 Tom Campbell, Jr. (3)
37 years in Rotary

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Roswell Area Park
Bill Johnson Community Activity Building
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075




President Terry Taylor
President-Elect John Carruth
Immediate PP Lynne Lindsay
Treasurer Nancy Alterman
Secretary Alex Kaufman
Past President Becky Stone


  • Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
  • Bob Hagan 2015-16


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President's Message

Mr. Hospitality

Its been a pleasure to have some fun while recognizing fellow Rotarians who have gone the extra mile for our club with the Heavy Hitter award.   Congratulations to Chris Archer for "kicking butt" for our club this year and being the Heavy Hitter for May.  He has made all of our social events fun.  Giving back and having fun doing so is the key to maintaining a vibrant growing club.  

Speaking of fun, PE John Carruth has lead a group of our own Rotarians to some fun down in Houston for the Annual Rotary International Convention.  One of the highlights of the trip was to participate in a meeting with other Rotarians from Ukraine.   The room was filled with tears and support for this troubled nation.   It's good to be a part of a world wide organization of like minded people no matter what culture you come from, and to provide encouragement and help where we can.  Thank you to all who represented the Rotary Club of Roswell in Houston.  Click Here for Video of Ukrainian Rotarians

Don't Miss this Meeting!
June 9th Speaker Hal Coleman

Motivational Speaker, Small Business Coach, Sales Trainer, Author, Singer/Songwriter, Entertainer...That's how Hal describes himself on Facebook. Roswell Rotarians know him as the guy who runs the raffle each week and always, I mean ALWAYS has a perfect, dead funny comment that zings with exactly the right amount of humor. Always on target and making the whole crowd smile.

And he is a great marketer. Says Rotarian Kathy Igou, "Hal is the guy who taught me to make my marketing language sharp and effective. I will never forget Hal's Got Bugs? story and his marketing class helped me in everything I have produced since." Hal Coleman has many talents and we are thrilled to have him speaking to the club Thursday...even if we did consider adding a warning blurb lol!. Be there. It will be an experience!

Roswell's Good Habit -- Our Lifesaving Blood Drive Update

Our club's second blood drive of the year netted 53 pints even though it took place the day after Memorial Day, putting us over 100 pints for the year, and viewed as a major contributor for the area.  Yes, Roswell Rotary rocks again!

The 'habit' continues on Wed, Aug 3, returning to Gate City for another Pint for a Pint offer.  If you are like the majority of club members and unable to donate personally, please take a moment to invite a friend or family member to 'Reserve a Table' for Aug 3 by clicking here

We continue to appreciate our members who can and do donate!  And thank you to Nancy Alderman,, Darrell Bartlett, Susan Rumble, Jim Savage, and Mary Trapp for their volunteer staffing to support our Rotarian and community donors.

Watch Out Bad Guys!
Roswell Police Dept. Self Defense Class

Saturday morning at the Women’s Self Defense Class with Roswell Police Dept. Thank you to Officers Samuel Wolfson and Kiandra Pritchett. Excellent presentation and practical application. Screaming “NO” and learning how to use our hands and knees and heads for self protection but even more to listen to our inner voice when we feel something is not right. Awareness is so important to preventing a bad situation. Such great conversation around claiming your space, using your voice and your strength. We left feeling better prepared and empowered! For more info on a class, click here.

After Hours, Tuesday, June 7th
ONE WEEK: Author Chris Tuff to Speak at Next RRAH Meeting

Help us pack the house at our next After Hours meeting! Save Your Asks author Chris Tuff is gracing us with his presence. See you Tuesday, June 7 at 6:30 for our most anticipated meeting yet! 

John Carruth is Jumping In!
Installation Party for Incoming President John Carruth

John is jumping in with both feet into the president of Roswell Rotary position and YOU want to be there for his installation party! See video of his traditional toss into the pool!

The Details: More info coming soon....

Date: Thursday June 30 6:30 pm

Place: Gate City Brewing Backhouse

Cost: $30 per person 

What: BBQ & Bluegrass & Adult Beverages (beer, wine, several cocktails)

Band: Crooked Wits 

Rotary Dates to Save
This is Where the Magic Happens. Will You Join Us?

This is what earns Roswell Rotary such a great reputation … and "Club of the Year" recognition. Plan to attend … and think about bringing a friend or prospective new member.

If you believe in Rotary's mission and recognize the value our club brings to our community and our world, then share it with others!




Tue, Jun 076:30pmRoswell Rotary After Hours Meeting with Author Chris Tuff
Tue, Jun 216:30pm - 8:00 pm
Rotary Means Business for District 6900
Thu, Jun 30EveningJohn's Installation Party!  
No meeting at 12:15pm.
Sat, Jul 168:30am - 10:30am
Walk with a Doc visits the Chattahoochee Nature Center and its Butterfly Encounter
Wed, Aug 0310:00am - 6:00pm
Rotary Blood Drive at Gate City Brewery

Rotary Last Week
