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June 21, 2022


June is Rotary Fellowships Month

6/23 Rotary Awards
6/30 No Meeting. Come join is as we celebrate a new Rotary Year!


6/30 John's Installation Party!
7/4 4th of July Celebration
7/7 Past Presidents - The Game
7/10 Cops N' Cars

Our Rotary Family

6/1 Joe Mazzeo
6/7 John Wolfe
6/7 Jay Pickett, III
6/9 Kenneth Carter
6/11 Mike Prewett
6/13 Nancy Alterman
6/13 Kym Leonard
6/14 George McFarlin
6/16 Brian Hansford
6/17 Mary Trapp
6/21 Haniel Jones
6/22 Hal Coleman
6/23 Syd Mostajabi
6/23 John Ross
6/23 Bonnie Mauldin
6/26 David Young
6/26 William Lindsey
6/29 Lisa Carlisle
6/30 Tori Alterman


6/2 Lori Allen (5)
6/10 Gabriel Prado (0)
6/12 Ronald Cowan (25)
6/20 Tom Campbell, Jr. (3)
37 years in Rotary

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Roswell Area Park
Bill Johnson Community Activity Building
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075




President Terry Taylor
President-Elect John Carruth
Immediate PP Lynne Lindsay
Treasurer Nancy Alterman
Secretary Alex Kaufman
Past President Becky Stone


  • Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
  • Bob Hagan 2015-16


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President's Message

Time to reflect.

As we close out our Rotary calendar year let me reflect on what we have accomplished as a club.   Looking at the numbers we have increased our membership by over 9% and have increased the percentage of our membership being women.  Much of the growth of our club has come because of the addition of our Roswell Rotary After Hours Satellite club which has lowered the average age of our membership!    Not only are we increasing our numbers, but the numbers don’t reflect the energy and passion that this new group of members brings into our club. 

A group of Roswell Rotarians made a trip down to Panama to view the very successful completion of our first global grant for $65K which seeded the ability to secure a second global grant in this region for $180K.  As a result of your generous giving, two new communities have fresh water delivered to their homes and more to come.  Roswell Rotarians you are changing the world! 

We have funded our Behavioral Health campaign with the WellStar foundation to help combat the growing problem in mental health within our community, focusing on our school aged children.   This effort will develop a series of professional podcasts and video tools which will be used to help those in need at our schools, churches and other NGO’s in our community and beyond. 

Our club is the most active club in the world!   Take a look at all of the service projects and activities we participated in and be proud Roswell Rotary!   

·       Panama Water Project

·       WellStar Mental Health project

·       911 Cookout for First Responders

·       Chattahoochee River Cleanup

·       Cops n Cars

·       Gary Garrett Farm Day

·       Youth Day Parade

·       Youth & Peace in Action

·       Dia De Los Muertos festival

·       World Polio Day Deep Roots wine tasting

·       Honor Air Basketball Tournament

·       Afghanistan Relief

·       Wreaths Across America

·       Bulloch Hall Cleanup

·       Hearts for Honduras – Lunches for Learning

·       Polar Plunge

·       Blood Drives

·       Roswell Rotary After Hours

·       Roswell Relays

·       Memorial Day Celebration

·       Meals on Wheels

·       Grace Period

Join us this Thursday as we recognize everyone in this club for their contribution to another great year for Roswell Rotary through some special awards.  It has been a pleasure to serve you as your president.  Thank you for this honor. 


We Need a Full House!
Meeting June 23 2021-2022 End of President Terry's Term and Awards Meeting

It feels like yesterday. Terry's year has gone by so quickly and there is so much to show for it! You don't want to miss Thursday's Meeting.  We need everyone there to honor Terry's year and to be there for the awards! What a trip! And what a legacy! Well done President Terry!

Join us for two guest speakers!
After Hours meets TONIGHT!

Our next After Hours meeting is tonight! Same time, same place. Guest speakers include former Roswell Rotary President Elect John Carruth who will speak about the Rotary Foundation, and recent GRSP student, Panashe Sivindani, who will share her experiences in the program. All are invited!

Mark Your Calendars Monday Sept, 12
2022 RRC Golf & Tennis Tournament

Exciting News! 2022 Tournament Chair Leslie Bassett  club tournament meetings will begin this week before Rotary at 11:30am and will continue every Thursday before Rotar until the tournament date Monday September 12 at Brookfield Country Club. .  Everyone in the club is automatically on the Tournament Committee and we need your participation! This tournament is our main fundraiser for the year and will determine how much money we can grant to our non-profits and charities. 

If you are new to the club, know that this project is THE BIG ONE and such an incredible way to get to know club members. Serving together forms relationships that will last for years! You want to get involved. The payoff for the club and for your personally are limitless. 

Another date to remember is August 17 for the tennis clinic. Always popular, you want to get this date on your calendar as well. It's a fun part of the Hagan Cup Classic which is now in its 10th year!

So fasten your seatbelts and get ready to take off for the Roswell Rotary 2022 Golf & Tennis Tournament. Come to the meeting early (11:30am) to get the scoop. 

Burgers & Brews for the VEO!
After Hours Percentage Night at Lucky's this Thursday! 6:30

You're invited to join After Hours at their first percentage night! Ten percent of proceeds will go towards the Veterans Empowerment Organization. Please come out and bring a friend as we support a worthy organization! 

RSVP here: https://tinyurl.com/2673v3z4

Drinks on John!
June 30 6:30pm Installation Party for Incoming President John Carruth

Register NOW with this link: https://roswellrotary.club/reservation/create?event=6031

Has John gone crazy? Attendees will get a green "Drinks on John" wristband good for drinks in any of Gate City's three venues that night...The Backhouse, the Brewery, or Artillery Room.  It's going to be a fabulous night!

Friends of Roswell Police
July 10th 2nd Annual Cops & Cars Event

Start your engines! The 2nd annual “Cops N’ Cars” Car Show, in partnership with Friends of Roswell Police, is coming up July 10th! Come out for an awesome day filled with cars, food trucks, vendors, prizes, and more. To learn more about the event, become a sponsor, or register your own car for the show, visit: https://www.friendsofroswellpolice.org/cops-n-cars-car-show

We will be serving burgers and dogs to hundreds of hungry guests, with proceeds going to Friends of Roswell Police. Volunteers are needed from 10:00AM to 3:00PM, at Roswell City Hall. To sign up, reach out to Lynne Lindsay at lynnehlindsay@outlook.com or give her a ring at 404-229-4558. 

See you there!

RRC has such a great legacy
Past President's Dinner 2022 - Making Memories

Sharing some of the pictures from the annual Past Presidents Dinner. We all appreciate the contributions of each of these past presidents of the Roswell Rotary Club. We stand on their shoulders and they continue to help us build dreams for the future. If you are new to RRC, any one of these amazing individuals would be a great person to have a conversation with.  They have so much to share and they will help to spark your own dreams for your future role in Roswell Rotary!

After Hours Meeting Recap: 6/7/22
Chris Tuff speaks to AH club/// Two new members inducted

The last After Hours meeting was one of our best yet! Bestselling author Chris Tuff came out to talk about his most recent book, Save Your Asks. He kept the audience on the edge of their seats by sharing his real-life experiences and words of wisdom for young professionals.

AND, we welcomed two new members to our club: Grace Peoples and Natalie Cook. Welcome to the Rotary family! 

Rotary Dates to Save
This is Where the Magic Happens. Will You Join Us?

[read more]

Rotary Last Week
