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November 15, 2022


November is Rotary Foundation Month

11/17 Retired Command Sergeant Major Sarita Yvette Dyer
11/24 No Meeting - Enjoy Thanksgiving
12/1 Wellstar's New Cancer Center
12/8 The Construction of Mercedes Benz Stadium - Pete Permantell, Holder Construction


11/15 Rotary Means Business (district networking event) (CLONE)
11/15 RR After Hours Club
11/17 Roswell High Career Day
11/19 Honor Air Basketball Tournament at Roswell High

Our Rotary Family

11/1 Larry Harman
11/4 Sid Disher
11/4 Michael Schoppenhorst
11/6 Karen Schwank
11/7 Dave Hallman
11/7 Timothy Klatt
11/9 Jimmy Moore
11/11 Ron Harlow
11/14 John Davies
11/15 Robert Button
11/18 June Brown
11/20 Patsy Wolff
11/24 James Savage
11/29 Jim Coyle, Jr.


11/4 Kenneth Carter (2)
11/5 Charlie Cameron (35)
11/5 Bob Hagan (24)
29 years in Rotary
11/5 Tillie O'Neal (1)
11 years in Rotary
11/5 Ryan Sprinkle (1)
11/5 Haniel Jones (1)
11/7 Mike Hampton (9)
11/7 Ron Harlow (9)
11/7 Scott Moscow (9)
11/7 Kathy Teston (9)
11/8 Robert Fezza (15)
11/10 Mike Oetinger (0)
11/10 Sarah Byrd (0)
11/11 Joe Piontek, Sr. (12)
11/11 Nancy Alterman (12)
11/12 Richard Austin (2)
34 years in Rotary
11/14 Richard Spencer (29)
11/17 Rick Dreger (33)
11/30 David White (5)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Roswell Area Park
Bill Johnson Community Activity Building
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075



President John Carruth
President-Elect Alex Kaufman
Immediate PP Terry Taylor
Treasurer Trummie Patrick, III
Secretary Nancy Alterman
Membership Katie Anderson
Foundation Leslie Bassett
Public Image Michael Gould


  • Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
  • Bob Hagan 2015-16


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President John’s Message

We are in the season of Thanksgiving (contrary to what the retailers tell us) and I am thankful to all those who make the Rotary Club of Roswell the Best Club!  I am thankful for all of you who are called to serve others here in our community and around the world with your ideas, time, talents, and resources. 

I am thankful for those who see a need and don’t wait for others to lead the way - to stop bullying, to end human trafficking, to bring clean drinking water to those who have never had it, to feed students so that they can get an education, to take water to those suffering disaster, to help young girls stay in school each month.

I am thankful for those who do the things behind the scenes - to setup for our meetings, to organize our fundraisers, to support our students and their activities, to prepare our food, to implement our service projects, to plan our events, to honor our first responders and veterans.

Veterans Day last week reminds us to be thankful for those who served and those who continue to serve to protect our freedoms and our great way of life.  This week we will continue to honor those who served as we hear from retired Command Sergeant Major Savita Dyer. 

Thank you, Roswell Rotary !!

Speaker for Thursday, Nov. 17: USA Sergeant Major (Ret) Dyer

Be sure to attend Rotary this week to welcome Sergeant Major (Ret) Sarita Yvette Dyer. We are so honored to have her speak to our club. 

Early in her 27-year military career, USA Sergeant Major (Ret) Dyer was deployed to Operation Desert Storm, the first of four combat tours. Her record of service also encompassed several high level positions, including Legislative Liaison for the Secretary of the Army; 3rd Infantry Division Nuclear Senior Enlisted Advisor; Force Protection Sergeant Major for U.S. Division North-Iraq; Senior Enlisted Advisor for the Logistical European Theater; and overseeing Senior Drill Sergeant Training for 3,000+ Initial Entry Trainees. Her numerous awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit, two Bronze Star Medals for combat service and campaign medals for Desert Storm, Bosnia, Afghanistan and Iraq.

In addition to many military schools, her civilian education includes a Bachelor’s Degree and two Master’s Degrees. SGM Dyer is an exemplary role model, especially to the youth of our great nation. Please help us to welcome this distinguished veteran to our club on Thursday!

Past President Moment - Dave Young - 2003-04


Every week we recite the 4-Way Test of the things we think, say, or do.  But have you heard about the 3-Way Test? Back in 2004, Roswell Rotary was called on to serve at District Conference and this new test was born.  Come hear about Roswell Rotary continuing the “Club of the Year” tradition in our district when we hear from Dave Young about Rotary year 2003-04.



Tonight is Talk Saves Lives!

Tonight is the night! Join us at 6:30 as we dive deeper into suicide prevention with a virtual course: Talk Saves Lives: An Introduction to Suicide Prevention. Sponsored by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the community-based presentation will cover the general scope of suicide, the research on prevention and what people can do to fight suicide. All Rotarians are invited. 

Join the Zoom meeting here.

RRAH Grocery Bag Drive

Do you have piles of grocery store bags clumped up in your pantry? Do you hate throwing your bags away after a big trip to Publix or Kroger? Good news! Now is the time to do something helpful (and green!) with your used grocery bags! After Hours is hosting a Grocery Bag Drive to benefit the Chattahoochee Nature Center Unity Garden. The Unity Garden is in need of these bags as they play a role in transportation and fostering plant growth.

Please give your bags to any RRAH member. You can also bring them to the next in-person RRAH meeting on Tuesday, December 6.

RHS Career Day

We are coming up on a very special day! It is Career Day for Roswell High School on Thursday, Nov 17th. You may have participated before, or you may have always wanted to shape the minds of young brilliance. This is your opportunity!

We will be looking to fill spaces immediately for our day (7:30 – 3:30), in 20-minute slots. Let’s make it fun for the 30-35 young minds (each session) that you will be engaging. You can demonstrate what you do to youth by bringing props and wearing what you would wear to work: uniform, equipment, suit/tie! 

This is the time to show a new generation about this exciting career path!  What should you talk about you are thinking?  It should be whatever projects that you work on in your career.  Be you-very engaging!  You can even sprinkle questions throughout the crowd for them to ask you!  This may be the time to break out your company's swag or marketing materials if you choose. 

Don't wait until the last minute to sign up, so you will have enough time to complete the virtual volunteer training by November 14th.  It should only take about 20 minutes to complete and can be found at  https://www.fultonschools.org/Page/9539. 

You don't want to miss this opportunity!  There is going to be a rush to fill these spaces, so sign up today. 

Sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0444AEAD2DA7FC1-roswell

 For additional information please contact Kay Howell 678-656-8801

Add To Calendar

Nov 15: Who does business development for your business?
Business Networking is Better When It's with Fellow Rotarians (12-club event)

For you, or someone on your staff.....Tue, Nov 15 from 6:00 - 8:00pm.   

Location: Eclipse Di Luna,  4505 Ashford Dunwoody Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30346

For more information, contact  Ken Carter 404-386-3214 ken.carter@floorcoveringsinternational.com or Hal Schlenger 770-335-0077 HSchlenger@GreatSouthBenefits.com

RLI - Rotary Leadership Institute - Kennesaw

Want to know more about this organization you belong to - Rotary International.  The Rotary Leadership Institute - RLI - is a great way for you to Learn, Grow, Share and Lead in Rotary.  And it doesn’t get much easier or closer to home that the RLI sessions in Kennesaw on November 19.  Registration is now open to all Rotarians for Parts 1, 2, and 3.

WHEN: Saturday, November 19, 2022, from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.

WHERE: Ben Robertson Community Center, 2753 Watts Drive, Kennesaw, GA. 

TO REGISTER:  Go to rlitraining.org prior to our November 9, 2022 cutoff date.

FEE: $100.00 per Rotarian – includes the class registration fee, course material notebook, breakfast, lunch, facility fees and the completion certificate.  Roswell Rotary reimburses members who sign up for these courses.

New Members-We Need You
Honor Air Basketball Tournament-Nov. 19, 21, 22

What Roswell Rotary volunteer opportunity provides the chance to honor our veterans, be involved with student athletes, make your star crock pot specialty, serve food to coaches, referees, and  staff working the event from Rotary and the high school, and spend some one-on-one time with your fellow Rotarians - new and seasoned? It's Honor Air Basketball Tournament for sure!!!

The tournament is held at Roswell High School ( 11-19, 11-21, and 11-22 )  and we will need  volunteers to help man the ticket sales table at the gym and others to assist in the hospitality suite for lunches and dinners we will be providing on those days .  A perfect opportunity for new members to assimilate to the Club and for the Satellite Club to help the Parent Club with an important project. The energy of the students and the happiness of our volunteers makes this a very special volunteer moment. We hope you will say YES to being a part of this event that raises money to honor our veterans!

To volunteer, click here RHS & Roswell Rotary Honor Air Invitational: Honor Air Invitational Volunteer Sign Up (signupgenius.com)  Questions about volunteering can be answered by contacting Dave Young nfultonpt@juno.com, Gene Beckham gene@bfsga.com, Lynne Lindsey lynnehlindsay@outlook.com , or Jack Wyche javic@msn.com

You can help
Roswell Teen Talks Podcast Program-How to Share!

Roswell Rotarians and Friends!

Roswell Rotary recently announced the launch of the Roswell Teen Talk Podcast Series because today’s Roswell students say being a teen has never been more challenging. Parents struggle with ways to help their teens navigate through today’s environment. Listen to their struggles and learn how to help with tips from professional mental health experts, teachers and parents. This series is Phase 1 (of 3) of a partnership between the WellStar Foundation and Roswell Rotary.  Roswell Rotary (THAT MEANS YOU AND ME!!) will be the boots on the ground to get the message out to students and parents throughout our community and beyond.  This content is FREE and our goal is to share it with EVERYONE!  Here’s what you do:


Podcasts are located here:  

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1BeGInok87iSlU8AWx2epC

Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/5d38562f-adc7-4d7c-a04e-ed09d7504ae4/roswell-teen-talk-podcast?refMarker=null 

Pod bean: https://roswellteentalk.podbean.com/ 

Apple: Coming soon

[read more]

Adult Leaders Needed
New Cub Scout Pack at Drake House

Roswell Rotary is partnering with the Drake House to organize a Cub Scout Pack at the Drake House and Drake Village.  This pack will be open to boys and girls who are kindergarten-age through fifth grade. Roswell Rotary will be the Chartering Organization. The Atlanta Area Boy Scout Council will provide financial support to make sure that families have as little or no cost as possible.

Roswell Rotarian Michael Gould will serve as our Chartered Organization Representative.  We need additional adults to serve as leaders.  If you are interested in serving as an adult leader for this new Pack, please contact Michael Gould at michael@goulddigitalimaging.com or 770-617-2965.

Friday, December 9, 6:30pm
Roswell Rotary Holiday Party

at the Roswell Historic Cottage
Music by the Shag Man aka Don Rolader
For more information, contact James Stone at james@stonelaw.com or 229.724.8550

Save the dates
Be Part of Making Roswell Rotary's Magic. How will you help?

This is what earns Rotary such a great reputation...and "Club of the Year" recognition. Plan to attend many of these events...and think about bringing a friend or prospective new member.

If you believe in Rotary's mission and recognize the value our club brings to our community and our world, then participate -- and share it with others!

Rotary Means Business (12 club networking event)

Add To Calendar Tues, Nov 15 6:00pm 

RR After Hours Club VIRTUAL Event-Talk Saves lives

Add To Calendar Tues. Nov 15 6:30pm

RHS Career Day     https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0444AEAD2DA7FC1-roswell

Add To Calendar Thur. Nov. 17th    7:30am - 3:30pm

Honor Air Basketball Tournament-Nov. 19, 21-22

Add To Calendar   for Sat Nov. 19 

Add To Calendar   for Mon-Tues  Nov. 21-22  

From Becky & Amanda: Caroling on canton with RAh’s 

Holiday Party

Add To Calendar Friday. Dec. 9     6:30pm - 9:00pm

Next Rotary / Red Cross Blood Drive

Friday, Jan 27  10:00am - 6:00pm

Rotary Last Week
