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District 6900 News for September, 2024

The Magic of Rotary

Impacting Our Communities

By Gordon Owens

In the last month I've worked with clubs serving our military at the USO, collecting medical supplies for FODAC, installing a peace pole at CNC, building a bridge for the Southern Conservation Trust, dancing at a prom for senior citizens, packing bags with school or personal hygiene supplies, handing out groceries at Solidarity Sandy Springs, packing food supplies at Feeding The Valley, feeding the homeless at the Salvation Army, and supporting families in need with unused school food through Helping Hands. The best part is most of these projects are in partnership with other organizations and only require Rotarian volunteers. There is no doubt our clubs are showing their communities the Magic of Rotary with every project they take on. 

October 24, 2024

What Are You Doing To Support Polio Plus?

By Bob Hagan

Rotary International has challenged every Rotary club around the world to contribute at lease $1500 USD to Polio Plus to help us cross the finish line in eradicating polio. A great way to raise funds for your club's Polio Plus contribution is hosting a World Polio Day event on Thursday, October 24, 2024. We have seen some great "fun-raisers" over the years like Pints for Polio, Comedy For A Cause, or Corn Hole Tournaments to help engage our friends and family in giving to Polio Plus. We would love to see every club in our district meet the $1500 milestone in Polio Plus giving by the end of October. If you need ideas, there are tons of resources on EndPolio.org or reach out to our Polio Plus Chair, Manoj Barot via email at rtnmanojbarot@gmail.com.

Selecting The Next Governor

Nominate Candidates For 2027-2028

By Alicia Hughes

We are looking for the next person to join the governor line and serve our district during the 2027-2028 Rotary year. To be nominated, a candidate must be a member of our district in good standing who has been in Rotary for seven years and served as club president. Once selected, the District Governor Nominee Designate will begin a two and 1/2 year journey learning the latest policies, procedures and priorities of Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation. While that may sound like a long time, it flys by as most of these are done at zone events in places like Nassau, Bahamas or at the International Convention which will be in Calgary, Canada this year. The nominee joins a class of governors and builds lasting friendships with their counterparts in Georgia, in our combined zones 33 & 34 and with all the governors around the world at International Assembly. If you are interested in serving or nominating someone from your club, your club president has all the details.

Membership Growth

Online Leads Turn Into New Members

By Jose Gonzalez

Our district gets an average of a lead a day from Rotary International for new members. These are people like Nithya Shekar, who was recently inducted into the Alpharetta Rotary Club, that want to join Rotary but don't have a direct connection to a local club. While not every lead is a good fit for every club, there is a place in Rotary for everyone that wants to help us do good in the world. The district membership team encourages you to take these leads seriously and respond quickly to any potential new member assigned to your club. If you have any questions or need help connecting with a lead assigned to your club please reach out to Jose Gonzalez.

Competitive Grants

Creating Even Bigger Impact

By Bob Hagan

The District Rotary Foundation Committee had some tough decisions to make when considering the $154,000+ in competitive requests from 23 clubs. With $25,000 in available funds the committee scored each grant on the impact it would have on a problem in the community, how many Rotarians would be involved in the project and how far the requested budget would go to helping those in need. We ultimately decided on providing partial funding to more projects was the best use of the available funds. We look forward to seeing the results this additional funding will have on Wraparound CARE Closets, Sleep In Heavenly Peace, CPR training & AED installations, ADA Accessible Picnic Tables, Building Ramps Building Hope and Alzheimer's & Dementia Care.

6PM September 24, 2024

Is Your Branding Compliant?

By Mandy Timmons

It's been more than a decade since Rotary International launched the new master brand and brand standards yet we often see the old style Rotary wheel or logo all over the place. We also frequently see the Mark of Excellence (Rotary wheel) used as a design element for an event, like on the tread of a shoe or in the text to replace an "O." These are branding no-nos! If you want to make sure your branding is up to standard, check out the Check Yo'Self webinar hosted by the Zone 33/34 public image team.


Service Project Center is live!

By Mary Ligon

Explore, discover, and share service projects and partnerships across the Rotary world through the new Service Project Center at SPC.Rotary.org! Projects can be viewed by both members and non-members, and any Rotary member can add their club's projects to the platform. Updates are now even easier with the mobile-friendly interface. Don't worry - all projects previously in Rotary Showcase were moved over to the new platform. Log in to My Rotary today to see the great works done around the world!

6PM Every Third Thursday

Foundation Matters Webinar

By Bob Hagan

The “Foundation Matters” Webinar Series was developed especially for you-Club Presidents and Club Foundation Chairs. These monthly webinars will provide “bite-sized chunks” of valuable insights and actionable strategies that really work to increase club engagement in The Rotary Foundation. Please register for the Foundation Matters Webinar Series.

RYLA Update

Save Room for RYLA!

By Jaclyn Donovan

As you and your club are making plans and moving deeper into the new Rotary year, we hope you will save a spot in your lineup for RYLA. If you’ve never heard of RYLA, here’s a quick introduction:

  • Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is an intensive training program that targets young adults, ages 15-18, to further develop character and leadership skills and learn about Rotary.  RYLA in District 6900 is a 5-day summer camp experience.
  •  We have the dates all set – June 7-11, 2025 – and the RYLA staff is already hard at work making plans. Our goal is to fill every available spot in the camp so this year we are starting the process sooner in hopes of reaching everyone in plenty of time.
  • [more]

Club News

Southwest Georgia Council Relaunches

By André Marria

In many areas of our district we have active Rotary councils that meet regularly to share ideas, help each out and work together to create even more impact in the community. Conversations around these tables often lead to joint projects and partnerships on district or global grants. While the Southwest Georgia Council got started several years ago, the pandemic took the wind out of its sails before it really got going. That is about to change! With many of the club presidents and AGs meeting in Albany last month, this group is poised to do big things together. We shared connections to help improve projects or fundraisers, ideas on how clubs can hit their goals by reviewing them regularly and the potential to partner on a regional project. We look forward to the next meeting!

Georgia Rotary Student Program

Columbus Welcomes GRSP Class of 2024-25

By Katheryne Fields

Singing the Peace Song standing together in harmony, Georgia Rotary Student Program Class welcomed the Class of 2024-25 scholars in for Conclave in Columbus this weekend. The class includes 39 recipients, 24 females and 15 males, from 22 countries, sponsored by 89 Rotary Clubs in Georgia and attending 25 colleges, including students at Morehouse College and Georgia Tech, after a 20-year gap at these two distinguished institutions.

Conclave was hosted by District 6900 and the Rotary Clubs of Columbus, Muscogee-Columbus and North Columbus. GRSP Chair Ian Bond also served as the Conclave Chair. DG Gordon Owens kicked off the celebration by introducing Rotary to the new GRSP class. [more]

Rotary Youth Exchange

Welcome to Our RYE Students!

By Mandy Timmons

Rotary District 6900 was excited to welcome a new group of Rotary Youth Exchange inbound students with a special Host Family Picnic! This event marks the beginning of a year-long adventure for five remarkable students from around the world. We are thrilled to introduce Gaia from Italy, Fritz from Germany, Selma from Sweden, Bin from South Korea, and Kaho from Japan to our community in Georgia.  Throughout the year, they will immerse themselves in Georgia culture, attend school, and participate in various Rotary activities. They will also have the opportunity to share their own cultures with their host clubs, building lifelong friendships and connections that transcend borders.  The Family Picnic was a joyful occasion, filled with fellowship, cultural exchange, and the warm hospitality that Georgia is known for. Our District 6900 is dedicated to fostering global understanding and peace, and this picnic was the perfect way to kick off an unforgettable year for these young ambassadors.

Our Rotary Foundation at Work

RC of North Atlanta Continues to Fight Against Spina Bifida

By Jon Yaeger

The Rotary Club of North Atlanta (RNCA) begins the second year of a five-year global grant project to reduce serious birth defects in Ethiopia. Women who lack an essential, inexpensive vitamin in their diets – vitamin B-9, also known as folic acid – are at a higher risk of having a child with spina bifida, anencephaly, and other developmental issues known collectively as neural tube defects (NTDs). Some of these children will not survive childbirth, and those who do face a lifetime with disabilities including paralysis and lack of bowel and bladder control, along with shorter lifespans. Many of these cases can be prevented by introducing folic acid into the diets of women of childbearing age before they become pregnant. RCNA partnered with other clubs in the USA ; two Rotary clubs in Addis Ababa; and logistically with the ReachAnother Foundation, a non-profit with operations in Oregon and Ethiopia. During the first year of the project, some 800,000 high-dose folic acid tablets were purchased and distributed; this year we are distributing even more.

The RCNA’s grant proposal can serve as a template for other clubs and other regions to engage in similar projects. We also welcome additional participants in our current project. For additional information, or to arrange a program presentation for your club, please contact Ralph Peeler, MD at rdpiiimd@comcast.net.


Dave Burr (Dunwoody),  Cynthia Edwards (Stone Mountain),  Marlene Randall (Stone Mountain),  Glenn Rebman (Peachtree City),  Carter Stout (Dunwoody)

Dave Burr (Dunwoody), Cynthia Edwards (Stone Mountain), Marlene Randall (Stone Mountain), Glenn Rebman (Peachtree City), Carter Stout (Dunwoody)

Rotary Fellowships

Join Us for Rotary Means Business

By Carter Stout

The District 6900 RMB meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month for networking and socializing.  The next meeting is September 24 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Politian Row at Ashford Lane (near Perimeter Mall).  Our events are on the District 6900 website calendar and the latest information is on our Facebook page (click here).

Club News

Grocery Shopping With Sandy Springs

By John Neill

Many of the members of the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs spent a morning volunteering at Solidarity Sandy Springs, a unique take on getting food to those in need in the community. With fun music playing and shelves fully stocked with goods, families come into the charming grocery store like setting at Solidarity to "shop" for items they need. They even provide a child care area for kids to play while parents shop. At checkout they weigh the food, which includes fresh produce and frozen proteins instead of paying so Solidarity can measure the impact they are having on food insecurity. With the fun & friendly environment, stocking shelves, preparing produce and helping customers with their selections didn't feel like work at all!

Lighting the Path to Literacy: Rotary’s Global Initiative with Emerging Technology

By Ron Cox

We are thrilled to introduce to you a groundbreaking initiative aimed at transforming global literacy. Utilizing the innovative Kibeam Reading System, this program leverages emerging technology to foster a love of reading in children, enhance literacy rates, and empower communities. Through the collaborative efforts of Rotary members and clubs, we are lighting the path to a brighter future where every child has the opportunity to prosper.

The Kibeam Reading System is an interactive tool designed to make reading accessible and enjoyable for children of all ages. By integrating advanced technology with engaging content, Kibeam captivates young minds and ignites a passion for learning. This system not only helps children develop essential reading skills but also builds their confidence and curiosity, laying a strong foundation for their academic and personal growth. Read on for more information and contact David Cochran and Ron Cox, Director at Large and Director of International Services, Rotary Club of Alpharetta to see how you can get involved. [more]

Georgia Laws of Life Essay Contest

Meet Our Match Campaign: Inspiring Character, Shaping Futures

By Carol Gray Walker

The Georgia Laws of Life Essay Contest thrives because of a dedicated community of supporters who believe in the transformative power of character education. This year, the commitment from long-standing donors and new supporters has played a crucial role in advancing our Meet Our Match challenge grant. Thanks to their generosity, we are at 75% of our goal with a month to go. Among the inspiring contributors are Lata and Manjeet Chinnan, who have been steadfast supporters of the contest for many years. This year, the Chinnans increased their contribution to the Meet Our Match campaign, inspiring others to join them.

Lake Spivey Clayton County Donates Backpacks

By Gerrian Hawes

The Rotary Club of Lake Spivey | Clayton County demonstrated the Magic of Rotary by supporting Bread Basket Ministries, Inc. with their annual Back to School project. This year, the club generously purchased 500 backpacks to support local students. Each backpack was thoughtfully filled with essential school supplies, ensuring that students have the tools they need for a successful school year. This collaboration highlights the club's commitment to education and community service, embodying the mission of Rotary International to make a positive impact.

Club News

DeKalb Rotary Council Collects Equipment for FODAC

By Barbara Bush

The 12th Annual home medical equipment collection event for FODAC is in the books!  On August 3, 2024 our community of Rotarians and Rotaractors came together on the back patio of the 57th Fighter Group Restaurant to organize into groups who were then assigned to go into the community to pick up donated home medical equipment.  This equipment is then refurbished by FODAC at their Stone Mountain site, and distributed back out to those in the community in need, generally for free or at a very low cost. Over the years, with the leadership of Ralph Sims and the North Atlanta Rotary Club, we have collected equipment valued by FODAC at about $2,000,000. This year, our crew of 70 included all of the DeKalb Rotary Council Clubs, the Atlanta Rotaract Club, and the North DeKalb Lions Club, Our DG Gordon and his wife Ashley, and other friends and family.

Club News

Roswell Plants First Peace Pole

By Nancy Alterman

The first peace pole to be planted in the 2024-2025 Rotary year was installed at The Chattahoochee Nature Center by Roswell Rotarians. The site gets 1000s of visitors annually as it's home to the Butterfly Encounter found along the Wildlife Walk and sits next to a picnic area where groups often stop for a break. The pole was strategically placed to be visible from multiple angles as people walk along the path in the hope that it draws them in to take a closer look. The pole says, "may peace prevail on earth" in English, Hindi, Korean and Spanish. As we planted the first pole, the staff at the Nature Center were already mapping out the location for a second pole close to the special events pavilion. Our club also has plans to place two additional poles in local parks during the course of the year.Find our Peace Pole on the map. [more]

Club News

Americus Hosts Annual Sheffield Gala

By Angela Smith

The Rotary Club of Americus hosted the Annual Sheffield Gala honoring the newest Sheffield awardees. The annual “black tie” affair was held on July 27 at the historic Wheatley Building on the campus of Georgia Southwestern State University and featured live music, a cocktail social, silent auction and full course surf and turf dinner. In addition to the silent auction, PDG Hagan led a live auction of a wooden gavel, made from the Rotary Oaks planted by Paul Harris and the Tuskegee Rotary Club and donated by PDG Steve Stanfield. [more]

Club News

Blakely's 98-Year History of Making a Difference

By Charles Gordon

In its 98th year, the Rotary Club of Blakely has a rich history of serving Early County. This year's President Scott Watford recognized some of that work as he took office this July. He praised outgoing leader David Atkins for starting the local military veterans outreach program which helps Early County veterans learn more about VA benefits.  The Rotary Club sponsors the program in conjunction with the Blakely-Early County Chamber of Commerce. Veterans are urged to meet with outreach leaders on the first Monday of each month at the Chamber of Commerce building on Courthouse Square to discover more about the various benefits due them.

Rotary Leadership Institute

RLI is Going Strong!

By Tracy Van Norman

When District 6900 and District 6920 held a joint RLI session in Valdosta, GA last month, 47 members turned out to increase their Rotary knowledge and meet new friends and contacts, while having a lot of fun in the process. The next RLI event scheduled will be hosted by the Rotary Club of Kennesaw on October 26 at Kennesaw State University. This is expected to be a big one, with a lot of Metro Atlanta members attending, so get registered while you can! On November 16, the Rotary Club of Peachtree City will be hosting an RLI Graduate course on The Rotary Foundation.

CART Fund Update

$14,335 Donated To CART During 2023-2024

By LouAnn Medlock

This past year, CART awarded a record $1.4 million in grants, making the cumulative total $13 million that has been distributed to more than 70 research institutions in the US. CART is currently supported by more than 600 Rotary Clubs in more than 40 Rotary districts.

In 2023-24, Rotary District 6900 raised $14,335 for CART, and the top 3 clubs in total giving were:
  1. East Cobb ($1655
  2. Alpharetta ($1471)
  3. Marietta Metro ($1241)


Club News

Peachtree City + Southern Conservation Trust = A Bridge to Nature!

By Mandy Timmons

The Rotary Club of Peachtree City was thrilled to partner with the Southern Conservation Trust to build a bridge over a floodplain area, making our local nature areas even more accessible to allow more people to experience the beauty and tranquility of these conserved lands year-round!  Southern Conservation Trust … [more]

Club News

Paulding County Donates Nintendo System to WellStar

By Roy Strickland

Check out the medical-grade Nintendo gaming system being delivered by The Rotary Club of Paulding County for use in the Wellstar Paulding Hospital Pediatric Emergency Room area! This gaming device can help reduce the stress on children receiving ER care and that can result in improved medical outcomes. The gaming system is donated to the hospital by The Rotary Club of Paulding County - made possible in part by a grant from The Rotary Foundation.

An Inspiring Story

Remarkable Pianist to Visit Some Georgia Rotary Clubs

By Jackie Cuthbert

Youngsuh Noh, a remarkable pianist who has triumphed over significant personal challenges, will be visiting Georgia - with a visit planned to the Peachtree City Rotary Club on September 26 and travel planned to clubs in Savannah, sister city to his home city in Germany. Despite having only about 5% of his sight due to Stargardt disease, Youngsuh has gained recognition across Asia and Europe for his exceptional musical talent and inspiring journey.

He will be traveling to Georgia with Luise Jäsche, a GRSP alumnus from 2018-19. You can read Youngsuh's story in the attachment and contact Luise Jäsche by email at luisejaesche@live.de if you might be interested in having them visit your club. [more]

Club News

Columbus Supports Local Street Hockey Championship

By LeighAnn Dicesaris

The Rotary Club of Columbus was pleased to support the 2024 Summer Session Championship for the Columbus Street Hockey Association. This event marked the end of a thriving summer session, with participation more than doubling compared to previous years. Eight teams competed - battling it out for the coveted Sasser Cup and the title of 2024 Columbus Street Hockey Summer Champions. [more]

Club News

Peachtree City Welcomes International Student

By Mandy Timmons

Peachtree City had the opportunity to give a warm welcome to our new GRSP Student Atharva Lele from India! He’ll be attending Georgia Tech and will be hosted by the wonderful Soulakos family! A big thank you to our District and Club leadership who joined us for the celebration at Partners Pizza, including DG Gordon, AG/IPP Amy, DGE Steve, GRSP Director Katheryne, GRSP Trustee Cyndi, AG Janice, President Patti, and Host Mom/VP Tammy. Your support means the world! Welcome to Georgia, Atharva! We’re so excited to have you here! 

Club News

Roswell Off to Energizing Start!

By Kathryn Igou

2024 has kicked off with a bang for the Roswell Rotary Club. Our club is super energized and has already completed multiple projects! With a goal to get everyone in the club involved in service, President Nancy Alterman explains, “First, we have planned service projects for a variety of times. Right after a meeting, mornings, evenings, weekends…trying to accommodate the schedules of all of our members.” Nancy continues, “And we recognize our volunteers with the Energize Roswell Bunny t-shirt at each meeting, or for major accomplishments an Energizer Bunny Award."


Just for Fun!

While Visiting Alaska

By Brenda Borden

Vinings Cumberland Rotarian Brenda Borden was delighted to find that her make-up meeting in Alaska included welcome for all the newly-arrived Rotary Youth Exchange students. She says they did an excellent presentation!


Check out the full district scoreboard
Here are the clubs that are leading the way in our district for membership, annual fund and polio plus.
I Blakely North Atlanta Henry County
II Bainbridge Atlanta Southern Crescent East Cobb
III Americus Midtown Atlanta Midtown Atlanta
IV Griffin Peachtree City Thomasville

Upcoming Key Dates

Thursday, September 5th, 2024 Official Visit - South Cobb
Thursday, September 12th, 2024 Official Visit - North Cobb
Tuesday, September 17th, 2024 Official Visit - Thomaston-Upson
Wednesday, September 18th, 2024 Official Visit - Lake Spivey
Thursday, September 19th, 2024 Official Visit - Forsyth Monroe
Tuesday, September 24th, 2024 Official Visit - Midtown Atlanta
Tuesday, September 24th, 2024 Rotary Means Business
Wednesday, September 25th, 2024 Official Visit - Johns Creek
Thursday, September 26th, 2024 Official Visit - Atlanta Metro
Friday, September 27th, 2024 Freedom Fighter IPA Launch Party
Tuesday, October 1st, 2024 Official Visit - Meriwether County
Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024 Official Visit - Harris County
Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024 Official Visit - LaGrange
Thursday, October 3rd, 2024 Official Visit - West Point