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August 20, 2024


August is Membership and New Club Development Month

8/22 Karim Godamunne - Medical Patient Advocacy
8/29 Golf Program
9/5 Roswell Communications + 911 Tour after
9/12 No Meeting at Roswell Rotary


8/22 Golf and Tennis Committee Meeting
8/22 Youth Services Committee
8/25 Drake House Ice Cream Crankin
8/29 Golf and Tennis Committee Meeting


President Nancy Alterman
President-Elect Trummie Patrick, III
Treasurer Katie Anderson
Secretary Leslie Bassett
Public Image Kathryn Igou


Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
Bob Hagan 2015-16


Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Roswell Area Park
Bill Johnson Community Activity Building
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075

Rotary Online




(833) 456-2829

Our Rotary Family

8/2 Gene Beckham, III
8/5 Charlie Cameron
8/7 Ryan Gehricke
8/8 Alan Christian
8/9 Jennifer Briggs
8/10 Kathryn Igou
8/12 Rick Dreger
8/13 Ross Patton
8/13 Lori Allen
8/15 Betty Price
8/17 Jacque Digieso
8/18 John Albers
8/19 Kathy Teston
8/19 Susan Rumble
8/20 Debbie Cwalina
8/26 Jim Swain
8/26 Grant Miller
8/27 Lori Kirn
8/28 Richard Spencer
8/30 Ted Lescher, Jr.
8/31 Steve Stroud


8/1 William Brooks (1)
8/1 Steven Palmer (8)
8 years in Rotary
8/2 Chris Webb (2)
8/3 John Carruth (29)
8/4 David Young (36)
8/6 Elwyn Gaissert, II (43)
8/12 Robert McIntyre (0)
8/12 Frederick Levy (0)
8/12 Priya Crumpton (0)
8/13 Rick Meer (32)
8/20 Trummie Patrick, III (9)
8/20 John Wolfe (32)
8/23 Jay Pickett, III (6)
8/23 Virginia Martz (2)
8/25 Lynn Dunn (8)
8/28 Lori Kirn (10)
8/29 Lucy Hall (5)
8/29 Katie Anderson (5)


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynne Lindsey and all news should be directed to her at lynnehlindsay@outlook.com

Message from the President

At our last meeting, we dove into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence with an introduction to ChatGPT. It was eye-opening, informative, and, surprisingly, a lot of fun! We learned how AI is transforming industries, making our lives easier, and even helping us create more efficient service projects.  But here’s the twist—this article you’re reading was actually written by ChatGPT! It’s a great reminder that technology isn’t just for serious work; it can add a bit of creativity and enjoyment, too. If you want more info on this exciting technology please reach out to our speaker, John’s Creek  President Dave Bernard dbernard@intellectiongroup.com.

**Upcoming Meeting: The Importance of Patient Advocacy**

At some point in our lives, we’ve faced moments when overwhelmed with navigating the healthcare system—whether for ourselves or a loved one. Whether it’s understanding a complex diagnosis, coordinating care, or simply feeling lost in medical jargon, many of us have wished for someone by our side who could provide clear guidance, advocate for our needs, and ensure our voices are heard. Our next Rotary meeting will explore this vital topic of patient advocacy.  The discussion will highlight practical ways to become a more effective advocate, whether for your healthcare journey or when supporting others. Join us for this insightful meeting and be prepared to leave empowered with knowledge and tools to help others when they need it most.

As we look toward the school year, our Youth Services programs gear up.  If you are already committed to a role or want to explore one, please attend the Youth Services Meeting after our general meeting this Thursday in classroom #1.  Not only are our 10 Interact Clubs ready to roll BUT also our 3 new ones!  It is so exciting.  We have new programs and projects which means we need new volunteers... So whether you want to be part of an ongoing year-round program like as an Interact Club Liaison, Sneaker Collection, or an event like the Fishing Derby or Career Days at RHS and The Cottage School, make a point to see how you can be a servant leader to our next generation.

Nancy Alterman
Roswell Rotary President 2024-25
Service above Self

Wellstar NF Hospital Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Karim Godamunné to Speak

Dr. Karim Godamunné is the Chief Medical Officer for Wellstar North Fulton Hospital. He provides leadership in clinical operations, safety and quality, innovation, and many other facets of healthcare. At Wellstar North Fulton Dr. Godamunné co-led the hospital’s State level Baldridge initiative and achieved the Oglethorpe Award for the hospital in 2022. Dr. Godamunné provided critical leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic in the hospital and the community. He organized a Community Collaborative of twenty organizations to reach out to the Hispanic community reducing the hospitalizations in the Hispanic community by fifty percent. Dr Godamunne gives back to the community by serving on the Board of North Fulton Community Charities and as an active member of the Alpharetta Rotary. [read more]

Only 27 more days!
Golf & Tennis Tournament-Save the Date


Tournament Update- Three Weeks and Clock is Ticking

Tournament Website Link  

Volunteer Link

Don't Miss it! Golf & Tennis Committee - Now in the Side Room

Now meeting in the side room, 11:15 - 12pm. Thank you for attending!

Diamond Sponsor
Patsy & Bill Wolff "Why we sponsor"

Patsy & Bill Wolff are strong supporters of Roswell Rotary's Golf & Tennis Tournament every year. We asked Bill about his reasons for always supporting this effort at such a high level and this was his response.

"Patsy was one of the first women to join Roswell Rotary and she loved being a member. As many of you know, her health is such that she cannot now participate. When I was invited to join, it gave me an opportunity to represent her with the Roswell Rotary club. 

Our membership enables us to financially assist many organizations that we otherwise probably would not be aware of their needs. In doing so, Patsy and I are following the mandate, “ to whom much is given, much will be required.” Luke 12:48

Additionally, RRC reaches many people in a positive way in other parts of the world! It is an amazing organization!"

We will have a special banner displayed on the stage behind the podium at our meetings in honor of Patsy & Bill Wolff, our first Diamond sponsors. They are with us every week in our hearts and minds as we meet together- reminding us of our mission of Service Above Self.

List is Getting Bigger!
Thank You 2024 Golf & Tennis Large Donors

Thank You to everyone who has purchased a Sponsorship for the 2024 Golf & Tennis Tournament. Every single donation and sponsorship makes a huge difference. 

Wine & Liquor Pull Donations Requested

Calling all Rotary members to bring in one bottle of wine or bourbon worth $25+ for the Tournament. This one activity raised almost $2000 last year so your donations help further the mission of Rotary.
Contact Angela Medley for more info. 404.886.5764

Silent Auction for the Golf & Tennis Tournament

Of course, we are all winners because we are Roswell Rotarians!  BUT do you want to be a PRIZE winner???  This week the Rotarian that brings the most money in gift cards will be the winner!!  Please put your gift cards in an envelope with the total dollar amount and your name on the outside and give them to Karen Schwank.  The silent auction is a big part of the fundraising at the golf/tennis tournament.  Gift cards sell well.  Please participate in this competition to be the PRIZE winner!!  Karen is still accepting other items for the auction, as well.  Vacation home, tickets to an event, gift baskets, jewelry, golf outings, or other unique items you think will sell.

Please contact Karen Schwank 404.409.3658 for more info.

1pm-Sept 9
Pickleball Social added to Hagan Cup Festivities for 2024

See Mindy Jones for details goldyall@aol.com

Miss Mary's Ice Cream Cranker - This Coming Sunday!

Team Roswell Rotary Rocks has answered the call from Drake House to make the ice cream everyone looks forward to at their 20th Anniversary of Miss Mary’s Ice Cream Crankin' eventThere is still time to submit a flavor, or volunteer to serve up whatever flavor is finally decided upon!  Contact Mary Trapp.  770.645.1320. For those interested in purchasing individual tickets and / or sponsoring the event, please go to: https://secure.givelively.org/event/drake-house-inc/20th-annual-miss-mary-s-ice-cream-crankin

School is in Session and so are we!

SAVE THE DATE:  For those committed and interested, please join us for the Youth Services meeting after the general meeting on Thursday, August 22nd in Classroom #1.

Youth Services is open for projects, awards, and recognitions!  BUT, we are not fully staffed... these are areas needing a leader like you:

> Interact Club: We have 13 Interact Clubs across Roswell's elementary, middle, and high schools. A Primary Liaison is still needed for Independence High School and Mimosa Elementary, and several schools need a Second Rotary Liaison. This is your chance!  Don't delay!

> Rotary Youth Exchange: Now accepting applications for a host family. Please contact Alesia 404.226.3922 or alesiagbooth@att.net

> Student/Teacher Recognitions: Throughout the year for 15 schools

You are invited to volunteer with youth-related events throughout the year, as well: Youth Day Parade, Career Day at Roswell HS and (new this year) The Cottage School, Laws of Life, Leadership 20/20, Read Across America, Roswell Relays, and Scholarships! Please contact:

Becky Nelson                            James Stone
404.406.6121                            229.724.8550
bnelson@cchl.com                    james@stonelaw.com

Your Old Sneakers Can Have New Life

Another opportunity to be of Service!  Recycle Sneaker is a movement to collect and upcycle gently worn sneakers while helping to raise money for various schools, charities, and organizations. The project also aims to reduce our carbon footprint by keeping sneakers out of landfills where they can take 30-40 years to decompose.

New member, Sam Lane is heading this up and can be reached for placement & collection of boxes at 678.545.5471.

Unity Garden is Growing

Last Week at Roswell Rotary
