Thursday, Dec. 19 Pack & SortThe club meeting on Thursday, Dec. 19 will begin at 11:30 a.m. at Second Harvest Food Bank. This month, we are packing holiday produce boxes for distribution at Weston Park on Saturday, Dec. 21. Lunch will be fajitas catered by Anne Candelaria's company: Mijefa's Tacos. This is a special pre-Christmas lunch for the club, so please make efforts to attend for the lunch and to pack vegetables for Saturday. 
Saturday, Dec. 21 Produce Market at Weston ParkRotary will host its monthly produce distribution at Weston Park on Saturday, Dec. 21. Set up begins at 7:30 a.m. Food distribution begins at or before 8:30 a.m. and is finished when all the produce is distributed, usually around 10 a.m.
This is one of our local Rotary Club's Big Impact Projects to help make fresh vegetables and fruits available to all, and we need club volunteer support to make it happen. Please come!

Auction Results More Than $25,000 RaisedThe Rotary Club of Thomasville hosted its first online auction earlier this month – with a few additional items live auctioned at our Dec. 5 evening holiday party. The event raised $25,105 – after expenses for the holiday party and miscellaneous auction costs. This money will support our club's community service, youth projects and other programs throughout the year.
Thank you Marta, Mary Beth and Chandler for your work on this big fundraiser and thanks to everyone who donated items or helped publicize the auction among their friends and families. We are hopeful for even better results next year! 
Thursday, Dec. 26 No MeetingThere will be no meeting on Thursday, Dec. 26 in honor of the Christmas holiday. 
Thursday, Jan. 2 No MeetingThere will be no meeting on Thursday, Jan. 2 in honor of the New Year's holiday. Club meetings begin again on Thursday, Jan. 9 – we hope to see everyone start the new year strong! 
New Venue! Rotary Meetings Move to Vashti in 2025Our first club meeting of the new year – Thursday, Jan. 9 – will be at our new home: The Vashti Center. This is an exciting move for our club.
Rotary has a special relationship with Vashti, and it has since its founding in 1921. This move improves our meeting space and benefits Vashti, helping provide more visibility of Vashti and its facilities to the community. 