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March 10, 2025


March is Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Month

3/13 Challenger Catastrophe & Climate Change by Philip Browne
3/20 Pack & Sort at Second Harvest
3/27 Regenerative Farming with Putt Wetherbee of Schermer Pecans
4/24 Sam McCoy - artist and FSU professor


3/10 Monthly Board Meeting
3/12 EMS/Firefighters Cookout
3/19 Coffee Chat
3/21 Lunch at Pebble Hill with GA GRSP Students


Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Vashti Center
1815 East Clay Street
Thomasville, GA 31792


President Marta Jones-Turner
President-Elect Nathaniel Tyler
Immediate PP Mary Beth Donalson
Vice President Nathaniel Tyler
Treasurer Warren Ballard
Secretary Anna Lee
Public Image David Sofferin


Membership Angela Williamson
Service Projects Barbara Williams-Anderson
Foundation Carol Jones
Club Director Scott Rich
Youth Service Chandler Giddes
Admin Devona Thompson

Rotary Online



3/1 Joe Brown (20)
3/7 Bryant Beadles (12)
3/8 Hinson Arwood (7)
3/19 Angela Williamson (10)
3/19 Copper Comita (5)
3/19 John Comita, Jr. (5)
3/20 William Felts (11)
3/22 Irene Gleason (13)
3/23 Sharon Edwards (2)
3/24 Shanna Derby (2)
7 years in Rotary
3/24 Janet Liles (9)
3/27 Rankin Smith, Jr. (11)
25 years in Rotary
3/28 Danny Braddy (23)
3/31 Gregory Adams (9)
53 years in Rotary

Heroes Cookout: EMTs and Firefighters

Rotary will host a cookout honoring local firefighters and EMTs, heroes of our community, today at the Remington Street fire station. The BBQ will be from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. but volunteers are needed in shifts from 10:30 to 1 p.m.

Upcoming Events
Mark Your Calendar

Here's a look at the upcoming calendar for March:

  • TODAY: Cookout for EMS/firefighters at the fire station on Remington Avenue. 
    Please take a shift between 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m.  
  • Thursday, March 13: Challenger Catastrophe and Climate Change
    Philip Browne to share his personal connection to the Challenger crew in a program entitled Challenger Catastrophe & Climate Change. It's about data, science, information and survival. 
  • Wednesday, March 19: Coffee Chat
    No agenda, no program. Drop by Grassroots Coffee anytime between 7:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. This month's coffee chat is sponsored by Morgan Bailey and Anna Lee.
  • Thursday, March 20: Pack & Sort at Second Harvest
  • Friday, March 21: Lunch at Pebble Hill with GRSP Students
  • Saturday, March 22: Produce Distribution at Weston Park
  • Thursday, March 27: Regenerative Farming
    Putt Wetherbee of Schermer Pecans will discuss regenerative farming, a land management practice that aims to improve soil health and crop yields while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Saturday, March 29: District Assembly. Sign up on the district website or contact Nate Tyler or Angela Williamson to sign up. 

Find the Rotary calendar anytime:

GRSP Lunch at Pebble Hill


Lunch with GRSP Students Pebble Hill Learning Center
Friday, March 21
11:30 a.m.

Please join us at Pebble Hill on Friday, March 21 for lunch with GRSP students. The group is participating in the 59th annual Pelham International Weekend and Friday is Thomasville’s day to host. We’ll have catered picnic foods — delicious hamburgers, hotdogs, all the fixings, side dishes and desserts. Our members will serve as table hosts and have the opportunity to chat with students at their tables.

Will Watt will speak briefly about his late his grandfather, a member of the Thomasville club, who founded the GRSP program shortly after World War II.

Rotary Youth Exchange
Support Ivan's Fundraiser

Ivan Santoyo visited the club on Thursday, Feb. 27 to give an update about his upcoming study abroad program through Rotary Youth Exchange. 

To help with his fundraising campaign, please donate through his GoFundMe page.

Learn more about his journey so far.

View full Rotary Club of Thomasville calendar.
Attend a club meeting via Zoom. Use the meeting ID: 850 1793 4263.
Dial-in by phone: +13126266799.