Club members Rene Lanier, Lynn Lanier, Jim Bunda, Bob Thomas, and Charles Lassiter delivered the gift bags to the Cobb Senior Services office, where they were enthusiastically received by Cobb Senior Services employees Stacy Morton (2nd from left) and Angelica Swafford (3rd from left).
Day was a little sweeter this year for 350 senior citizens in Cobb County.
Gift bags assembled by Marietta Metro Rotarians were delivered to Meals on Wheels
clients and visitors to Cobb Senior Services. The bags contain puzzle books,
mechanical pencils, assorted toiletries, and sugar-free candy.
In addition, roses in bud vases were delivered to the women of The Extension, an alcohol and substance use rehab center in Marietta. The Extension’s mission is to facilitate a transformation that empowers individuals and communities experiencing homelessness and substance use challenges to engage in a process of change in recovery. The process happens through counseling, life skills classes, and maintaining stable employment.