Linking Membership and Service
Meet Bella, Serving Others and Recruiting Rotarians

by Jay O'Neal, Columbus Rotarian

"Today we parked in the parking garage by the River Center so we didn’t get a ticket, as I had a feeling we may be there longer than the allotted time for street parking. We went to Fountain City, but they had a line going out of the door. We walked to Iron Bank, but they had a line out of the door as well. I thought about walking to get coffee away from Broadway, but wasn’t really planning on doing a lot of walking today. I had promised Bella a slow day and yes, I talk to my dog. 

I remembered that Judy Bugs sold  coffee, quite cheaply I might add at only one dollar. I could then use that cup to get a refill at Fountain City and just pay them later when they weren’t busy. I also got a book that seemed interesting, so I figured we would just sit and read/people watch. I was still unaware at how eventful the day would soon become.

We went back to fountain city and listened to music being played by a street performer. We met a lady that was lost and from Montgomery. She was trying to find City Hall to get something for her son who was over seas. I offered to walk her there as it was just a block down Broadway, in the old Synovus building. We got there and noticed that a note was on the door saying that a water main had broken and the building was closed. We were then directed to the Citizens Service Center on Macon Road. 

I asked what exactly it was that she was looking for. She told me and I suggested that it may actually still be available at the government center a few blocks away. I explained that the building was being demolished and they had moved some things around, but I’m pretty sure records were still there. I offered to get her a shuttle and she said “if you don’t mind showing me, I can walk”. “Sure”, so we continued up 12th. As we passed the post office, I mentioned that there was also a court house inside and they may be able tell us for sure, before we kept walking. We stopped and they assured us that it was in fact at the Government Center. So we turned onto 2nd Avenue and headed towards our destination. 

She went to the 2nd floor and Bella and I waited in the main lobby, while watching the elevator for our new friend to return. After 10 minutes or so the elevator opened and Bella started to wag her nub, out she came. She apologized for taking so long, I told her not to worry that Bella was enjoying the adventure. I again offered to get her a shuttle back to her car, which was on 10th near 1st. She again declined and said no, we aren’t too far. 

So, we began to walk back to Fountain City and she mentioned that her husband was actually in the car waiting on her! Wait, what? I offered to run back with Bella and get him to come and get her. She said, “Oh no, that would probably frighten him and he’s old, he just had back surgery so he can’t drive anyway”. We continued to walk and as we approached Fountain City she said, “Oh there is that coffee shop! You know I’ll be 74 next week and I’ve never had coffee?”. I didn’t even respond to the coffee statement. All I said was, “Wait, you are almost 74 and you just let me take you on a tour of Uptown Columbus on foot?” (As it was a bit of a tour.)

I told her the history of many of our beautiful buildings and churches that we passed. I also talked with her about CSU and new developments and growth in Uptown. She asked if it was always so crowded and I shared with her about the thespian conference that was happening and 5,500+ high school students. We of course talked about the beautiful little four legged tour guide that was leading the way! All in all, it was a fun 3.7 mile walk through Uptown with a traveler from Montgomery, Alabama. 

I did make sure to tell Mrs. Pat how very lucky her son was to have a mother like her willing and able to do this for him. She smiled and said thank you. I wished her and her husband safe travels and Bella and I returned to our seat in front of Fountain City, where she was happy to see that the musician was still there playing music. I went inside to pay my tab for the coffee and water that we had gotten earlier during the rush. I realized it was lunch time and I needed more than coffee! 

The new arcade place, Bytes and Brews, sounded good, but that was back on 12th and 2nd and I wasn’t fixing to make Bella walk anymore. So, I called for a shuttle and off we went! We ate and socialized and played games, well Bella rested while I played games. I ran into an old friend, Sam Beaman, we had a chance to catch up and Rotary came up in conversation. He said, “Yeah I’ve been meaning to ask you about Rotary. What exactly is that?”. So in a quick elevator style speech, I started with its foundation and discussed current projects and programs. Sam being a very involved person within the community and a heart for God would make a wonderful addition to our Rotary family, so I invited him to join me one day. 

We then made our way back to Broadway and to reward Bella, I decided to take her to Fetch Dog Park. This was our first time going, as I’m very apprehensive of dog parks; more so of improperly trained dogs/humans, aggressive dogs or sick dogs. While I spoke with the staff member at the front gate, I observed the play that was going on inside. I noticed several staff members monitoring and interacting with the dogs, while putting fresh water out many times around the park. I also noticed that the human counterparts to said pups were never too far away. I decided to give it a try and just get a day pass. 

Not so fast, I was told that I must first register Bella and present certain veterinary records. So, I had Dr. Caldwell’s office to send the proper records via email for approval. This made me feel much better about the health and wellness of the other dogs that Bella may interact with. I was also asked to leave Bella’s treat bag outside as they don’t allow outside food or drink for people or pups. This is actually a really good way to prevent food aggression with large groups of dogs, so again I’m impressed. I took her leash off, but left her jacket on at first just to observe how she would act. I quickly knew that the jacket wouldn’t be needed and she could just play and enjoy herself. 

It was such a treat and so very much needed for her! She made lots of new puppy friends; one named Kenny who’s human is a neurologist who recently moved to town. After lots of conversation of TBI, Shepherd Center and Roosevelt the conversation led to Rotary. He then became interested in learning more as he had only been in town for six months and was eager to get involved within the community. This was another perfect moment for the elevator Rotary speech and I then invited him to join us at Rotary one day.  He then asked if I knew a Spence Sealy. He mentioned that his wife knew Spence well and he remembered hearing him talk about Rotary. Of course, this led to more even more conversation about Rotary and the fellowship within.

As the sun began to set, more and more folks started to show up, so I figured it was a good time to look for some dinner. We walked next door to get some barbecue at Moe’s. My food was absolutely delicious and Bella rested on the cool floor. After dinner it was time to go home and get some rest after a long day. While reflecting on just how many steps Bella puts in with me on a daily basis and just how many times she leads me to have conversations about Rotary, I think I’m going to find a way to get her a Rotary patch made for her vest. 

Now that I think about it, the only reason that I took her to Fetch in the first place was because a conversation started about Bella one night over dinner at a local restaurant that allowed me to meet Martin, one of the owners of Fetch. We then started talking about Rotary and then another gentleman joined the conversation asking about Rotary. This was Matthew, the owner of The Goetchius House, who is now being proposed as a member. 

As we were leaving the park tonight, Martin saw us and thanked me for giving them a try and said that they would love to see Bella again. I said absolutely, as long as you join us one day for lunch at the Trade Center. He asked what and where was that? I laughed and told him that The Columbus Rotary Club meets every Wednesday at noon at the Trade Center on Front Avenue and if he would join me as a guest one day, I would get Bella a membership to the park. He happily agreed, but what he didn’t know is that I was already planning on getting her a membership anyway. So yet another win for Rotary! 

I’m definitely getting Bella a Rotary patch for her jacket. She’s already a walking Rotary billboard, we might as well make it official. Actually, if you really think about it, the very words that you have read started as a story about the daily adventures of Bella and ended as a conversation about Rotary.  No, she’s not a Rotary billboard; she’s a just a Rotarian with 4 legs. She spends her days walking around with fellow Rotarians showing kindness and being helpful to strangers, for no other reason than because it’s what she does. 

Some people may just say, “she’s a service dog, she’s just doing what she’s been taught to do”. We have this saying in Rotary and it goes like this, “service above self”. That sounds like the perfect kind of job for a service dog to me. 

Thank you for reading about the daily adventures of Bella Grace, a service dog that truly puts service above self! If you haven’t had the opportunity to meet her, stop by the Columbus Convention and Trade Center any Wednesday around noon. I invite you to join me for lunch and let us tell you a little bit about what Rotary means to us. Bella has many adventures that I could share with you and yes, most of them involve Rotary. There was this one time that involved flying in a tornado, while going to a Rotary convention, but that’s a story for another day. Until then always remember, service above self!


Posted by Julie Bond
March 8, 2024


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