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February 2, 2021


February is Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month

2/4 LTC Mark P.Z. Citarella - Executive Officer 78th Troop Command, GA Army National Guard
2/11 Ron Salter - We're all Ignorant
2/18 Jared Benko - Athletic Director at GSU
2/25 On site Visit at Archbold Advanced Therapy and Sports Medicine facility

Our Rotary Family

2/1 W. Clay Campbell
2/1 Gerry Gilmer
2/5 Gregory Adams
2/5 Claire Bowen
2/9 Michele Arwood
2/11 Nick Murray
2/12 Lorraine Williams Rahming
2/16 Renee Oliveto
2/19 Tom Harrison, Jr.
2/19 Marta Turner
2/27 Ronnie Godwin


2/4 Bob Ackerman (52)
2/6 Julie Carter (27)
2/15 Erik von Hellens (19)
2/22 Eugene McNease (53)
2/28 John Archer, Sr. (6)


2/1 Marta Turner (27)
2/1 Bradford Jackson (27)
2/1 Russell Chubb (44)
2/8 Joe Tarver (3)
2/26 Nate Tyler (23)
2/27 Shelba Sellers (6)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
The Plaza Restaurant
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792


President John Brown
President-Elect Danny Braddy
President-Elect Wayne Newsome
Immediate PP Kim Walden
Treasurer Teri White
Secretary Angela Williamson
Foundation Fran Milberg
Membership Janet Liles
Public Image Mike Bixler

Next Weeks Program

LTC Mark P.Z. Citarella - Executive Officer 78th Troop Command, Georgia National Guard, will  be discussing the National Guard’s multi-faceted statewide support of COVID efforts.

What You Missed Last Week!

Last week’s program was Jaclyn Donovan, president of the Rotary Club of Moultrie. Jaclyn’s presentation was on RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards). She did an outstanding job presenting RYLA and this was especially enlightening to members who are relatively new to Rotary. Although RYLA is for those 13-30, Jaclyn made it clear that any Rotarian can get involved as a member of the support staff.  More

Thomasville Rotary's Birthday Gifts to the Community

It’s not every year that an organization celebrates its centennial anniversary. May 2021 will mark the Rotary Club of Thomasville’s 100th birthday which the club intends to celebrate all year long. Rotary Past President Jeff Zoller summed up the core spirit of the club and its membership when he said, “Over the past one hundred years the Club and its members have made significant and diverse service contributions to the city, with innumerable members involved in service projects to youth and the community. Members have served in diverse leadership roles within the business, education, medical, and government spheres, including members who have served in city, county, and state governments.”   More

See you soon!

Essay Judges Needed!

Volunteers are needed as Essay Judges for the Georgia Rotary Clubs Laws of Life Essay Contest! As a Contest Sponsor, you and your club members are invited to participate in the reading and judging of the essays.  This year we are moving to an online submission and judging platform. Both School Level Judges and State Judges will participate via an online process. 

We need your help.  Volunteers are asked to sign up now so that we can gauge if additional training sessions will be needed. Volunteers may sign up via THIS LINK.                                                             More

Honoring our Local Heroes

Midmorning on Wednesday, January 27, a handful of Rotarians arrived at the Remington Park Fire Station and fired up a large grill to prepare hamburgers and hot dogs for more than 60 firefighters and EMTs. In addition to the sandwiches, the lunch menu included homemade baked beans, a bag of chips, a package of cookies and a cold drink. With almost military-like precision, nearly 100 boxed meals were assembled by another group of Rotarians, and a little before 12 Noon, the meals started flying off the serving table. It was a very dreary rainy day, but you could not tell it by the good time had by the nearly 20 Rotarians who participated in the event. Together… we honored our local heroes!

Interact...Persevering in a Pandemic

All over the world, Interact Clubs are helping young students age 12-18 develop leadership skills, give back to their communities, and have fun doing it. There are nearly 15,000 Interact clubs in 145 countries and more than a third of a million Interactors discovering the meaning of Service Above Self. In District 6900 alone there are more than 50 Interact clubs, and 6 of those are sponsored by the Rotary Club of Thomasville.    More