What You Missed Last Week!

We had a combined (Plaza and Zoom) attendance of forty-five. Our membership is as President John Brown said “healthy.” But let us continue to follow all CDC recommended guidelines. Remember, we are taking care of ourselves and each other.

There are still several slots open for the Archbold Memorial Hospital Advanced Therapy and Sports Medicine review. Contact Jay for how you can attend. The blood mobile will also be on site for those wishing to donate blood. Jay challenged members to “Feed The Fight.” We simply team up with other members and “Provide Team Meals for Front Line Healthcare Staff.” Hands On Thomas County has taken the lead on this, and additional information can be found on their website.

Last week’s program was Jaclyn Donovan, president of the Rotary Club of Moultrie. Jaclyn’s presentation was on RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards). She did an outstanding job presenting RYLA and this was especially enlightening to members who are relatively new to Rotary. Although RYLA is for those 13-30, Jaclyn made it clear that any Rotarian can get involved as a member of the support staff.

J. R. R. Tolkien said, “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” With Rotary opening opportunities, Rotarians have decided to use their time for the betterment of humankind. We actively engage in service projects that help make the world a better place to live. The great thing about Rotary is, it does not take an act of Congress for us to make a huge difference in the world.

Posted by Walter Marria, Jr.
February 2, 2021


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