Katheryne Fields Named GRSP Marketing and Development Director

Georgia Rotary Student Program (GRSP) Chair Bert Guy recently announced Katheryne A. Fields as the inaugural Marketing and Development Director. In her role at GRSP, Fields will work to strengthen the program’s strategic initiatives, fundraise and market the student scholarship program throughout the state. In the role, Fields will be working closely with the GRSP Chair, officers, directors, and trustees as well as Georgia Rotary Clubs, GRSP students, government officials and the public.

Fields brings more than 20 years of writing, communication, marketing, strategic planning and corporate events experience, 10 in a supervisor's position with five of those years in public education and non-profit foundations for education. “I am excited by this opportunity to serve and promote that ‘Peace is Possible’,” said Fields “I have witnessed the benefits of the student scholarship program. I am excited to connect and and reinforce the bonds between Rotarians, education leaders, alumni of the program and the state at large.”

Fields began her career as a sports writer for the Griffin Daily News and served as a state editor for the Asheville Citizen Times. From 2010 to 2015, Fields served as the Marketing Director and brand ambassador for Chick-fil-A of Griffin. In recognition for her efforts in the community, she received the Griffin-Spalding County Chamber of Commerce Ambassador of the Year Award in 2013.

Fields previously represented Southern Crescent Technical College as the Director for Institutional Advancement from 2015 to 2019. During her tenure at SCTC, she was responsible for fundraising for the college by acquiring funds, grants, gifts and scholarships. In that role, she collaborated with various department deans and vice presidents plus SCTC Foundation Trustees to create civic and donor presentations as well as grant applications. She assisted the Foundation in raising $175,575 in grants in Fiscal Year 2019 and helped acquire the Foundation's largest-gift-to-date, $1,000,000 for College Renovation and Expansion in FY 2018. She was named the recipient of the 2019 National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) Excellence Award for SCTC. Most recently,

Fields served as the marketing director for Gordon State College, where she served as the primary spokesperson for the college and as the crisis management adviser to the president. Fields managed the college’s website and social media platforms. She created a five-year strategic enrollment management marketing and communication plan at Gordon to spearhead the branding efforts and recruiting initiatives within the college’s 14-county service region. A native of Rome, Ga., Fields holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication from Berry College. She is an alumna of 2018 Leadership Griffin and 2017 Leadership Henry chamber programs. A Toastmaster and former Rotarian, she is excited to return to her local club in Griffin, where she and her husband Dale, an avid golfer, reside. “Katheryne’s experience in higher education, marketing and development will prove invaluable to GRSP,” said Guy. “Her impressive accomplishments speak to her abilities. I am extremely happy that Katheryne has joined our team and know she will quickly contribute to our program.” Fields will began her new role effective January 22 and can be reached at kfields@grsp.org.

Posted by Jackie Cuthbert
January 13, 2021


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