From Our District Governor
Here's to All the Opportunities!

What opportunities await us this coming year. As we look ahead to 2021 it is our choice to look past the obstacle to find the opportunity. Sometimes the opportunity is disguised as a 500-pound gorilla. My Dad always stops me when I start to complain about something. He simply says that I am viewing it wrong, because there is someone in this world that would love to have what I view as a problem.

It has been so encouraging to see Rotarians taking action and making a difference in our communities. I continuously receive emails and phone calls as it relates to the impact that you are having. While there are those sitting waiting for help, District 6900 Rotarians are on the move and serving our community.

As you take a look through this month's newsletter, know that I am so proud of all that we have done. It is an honor to serve alongside you this year. Here is to a year full of service, celebration and life change.

Happy New Year.

Posted by Kirk Driskell
January 10, 2021


This Year’s Posts: