From Our District Governor
Practicing Positive Peace Together; Voting to Make a Difference

For those of you who missed the Facebook Live broadcast of Georgia Rotarians Stand for Peace & Unity, there were several wonderful messages about peace from former U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young and others. The broadcast runs about 30 minutes; you can watch a replay at https://www.facebook.com/670821386614232/videos/3365014743565225 

At the end of the broadcast, all Georgia Rotarians were challenged to participate in Rotary Positive Peace Academy! - https://rotarypositivepeace.org/It's a four-module online tutorial with a short quiz at the end of each module that teaches the difference between Negative Peace and Positive Peace and inspires you how to practice Positive Peace in our District, our Rotary Club, our families, and our lives. It only takes about 90 minutes total and does not have to be completed in one sitting. Let's practice Positive Peace together!

It's also an important time in our nation, our state and our communities - as we approach the November 3 election. I urge all of you to take the time to be informed and to cast your ballets as you see best for yourself, your community, our state and our nation. And for those of you who are business owners, I hope that you will encourage your work colleagues to vote and provide them with the time they need to do so. It's an important responsibility we have as citizens - and another way we can make a difference as Rotarians.

Posted by Kirk Driskell
October 8, 2020


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