Rotary Leadership Institute
Learn More About Rotary ... Online or in Person

The RLI Philosophy states “Having leadership skills does not alone assure good Rotary leadership. An effective Rotary leader must ALSO have Rotary knowledge, perspective about where Rotary has been, where it is now going, and a vision of what Rotary can be.” The program is open to all Rotarians.

Rotary Leadership Institute transitioned to an online curriculum in 2020 because the Sunshine Division wanted Rotarians to have the opportunity to take advantage of the valuable resource that is RLI even though we could not host our usual in-person events. We have been excited to see many Rotarians participating in RLI that likely would not have attended a live event.

To access the course schedule, and to register, head over to rlitraining.org and follow these steps:

  1. Click on Course Information, then Registration. This will take you the “Ready to Register?” Screen.
  2. Scroll down and click on DACDB LOGIN
  3. This will take you to DACdb.com
  4. Sign in with your User Name and Password. (If you’ve never used DACdb before your user name is likely the email address associated with RI and your password is likely your RI member number).
  5. After logging in click “District” on the ribbon at the top.
  6. Click on the RLI button
  7. In the My Club Shortcuts on the left side of the screen click on calendar (it’s the last icon under My Club Shortcuts.
  8. At the top of the page, be sure RLI Training Event is checked, and you will be able to see the calendar for RLI events.
  9. Choose your event and click “Register Now”
  10. From there you can input your information and pay.

Sunshine Division online RLI courses offer:

  • Live presentations with our outstanding discussion leaders
  • An interactive program, discussion-based training, with Rotarians from all over Georgia, Florida and the Caribbean
  • The same great content in a convenient online format
  • Each Part broken into sessions of one to two hours
  • Sessions offered on a variety of days and times making it easier to attend 
  • The ability to register and pay for each session individually - at a cost of $15 per individual session
  • Materials and login information are provided with paid registration

All sessions of RLI Parts 1, 2 and 3 are available online. We’ve even had a group of RLI graduates who attended all their sessions virtually! You do not have to take the sessions or parts in any particular order, so you can pick and choose the sessions that interest you most from any part!

While RLI online is fun and convenient, it will never replace our in person events. We are happy to invite you to the first LIVE EVENT in District 6900 since January of 2020. This will be the Graduate Membership course only, to be held in Peachtree City on June 12, 2021 at the Midwest Food Bank, 200 Parkade Court, Peachtree City, Georgia 30269. We are going to start a little later than usual to allow folks to attend without having to drive in a day early for the event. We will be offering a continental breakfast as well as lunch for attendees. If you have completed Parts 1, 2 and 3, rather online or in person, we would love to see you at this graduate course in June. The Rotary Club of Peachtree City is also offering attendees the ability to participate in a service project at the Midwest Food Bank after the event.

Whether online or in person, we hope to see you soon!

Posted by Stephanie Windham
May 4, 2021


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