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District 6900 News for October, 2024

The Magic of Rotary

Creating Peace In Our Communities

By Gordon Owens

Typically when someone thinks of peace, they see it as an aspirational goal that may be impossible to reach. Our minds go to the major conflicts around the world and we discount our ability to impact change in those areas. However, Rotarians are creating peace in our communities every day. We recently planted a peace pole at The Extension where they take in homeless men & women, provide them with shelter, satisfy their hunger, put them on a path to recovery from addiction; giving them the skills to create a better life. These men & women first find peace within themselves. Then they go back to the family & friends they hurt along their path to addiction and make peace with them. This ripple effect of peace spreads like a wave through the community. Every time your club packs a bag with food, teaches a child to read or supports those in need with many other local service projects you are helping create peace in your community.

Disaster Relief

Help Hurricane Helene Relief Efforts

By Chris Brand

Our hearts are broken by those impacted by Hurricane Helene. As Rotarians we want to spring into action to lend a helping hand and there will be plenty of boots on the ground work to do in the coming weeks. If you are interested in being a part of our disaster relief clean up team, please fill out this quick form and we will keep you in the loop as opportunities to serve arise. If you are not able to physically serve, but want to support those in need across the southeast you can make a contribution to the District Disaster Relief Fund. These funds will go to provide support to Rotarian lead disaster relief projects and supplies in the hardest hit areas. Also, Rotary International has disaster relief grants available in amounts up to $25,000 to help areas impacted by the storm. Contact Chris Brand with any questions about helping recover from Helene.

October 24, 2024

What Is Your Club Doing For World Polio Day?

By Bob Hagan

World Polio Day is a great opportunity for your club to highlight the work Rotary and its partners are doing around the world to eradicate polio. Each year we vaccinate 400 million children and that takes money, lot's of money. Rotary has asked every club to contribute at least $1,500 USD to Polio Plus to help raise the $50,000,000 we need for the Gates Foundation match. Many of our clubs use World Polio Day as a "Fun-raiser" with events like pints for polio, poker tournaments, or corn hole championships. Rotary has great resources to help you promote World Polio Day on EndPolio.org. You can also submit your event to RI there or for a district award through your club scoreboard on Rotary6900.org.


Win Up To $1000

By Gordon Owens

Our next Polio Pick'em pool is open for entry until 8pm on Sunday. Your $20 entry fee gets you into the game. Once you pay the fee, you will be directed to a "thank you" page with a link to make your picks online. The winner gets have the pot and the other half goes to Polio Plus. Either way, each entry provides 65 polio vaccines to children around the world so it's a win-win!

February 20-22, 2025

Healing In A Divided World

By Gordon Owens

RI President Stephanie Urchick invites you to the Presidential Peace Conference in Türkiye on February 20-22, 2025. The event will coincide with the first cohort of Rotary Peace Fellows studying in Rotary’s newest Peace Center, Otto and Fran Walter Rotary Peace Center, in the MENA region, located at Bahçeşehir University (BAU) in Istanbul, Türkiye. Visit www.rotary.org/istanbul25 to register for the Peace Conference, book your accommodations and to register for the HOC ancillary events.

Nominations Close November 1, 2024

Nominate Our 2027-28 District Governor

By Alicia Hughes

We are looking for the next person to join the governor line and serve our district during the 2027-2028 Rotary year. To be nominated, a candidate must be a member of our district in good standing who has served as club president. Once selected, the District Governor Nominee Designate will begin a two and 1/2 year journey learning the latest policies, procedures and priorities of Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation. While that may sound like a long time, it flies by as most of these are done at zone events in places like Nassau, Bahamas or at the International Convention which will be in Calgary, Canada this year. The nominee joins a class of governors and builds lasting friendships with their counterparts in Georgia, in our combined zones 33 & 34 and with all the governors around the world at International Assembly. If you are interested in serving or nominating someone from your club, your club president has all the details.


Help Us Give Away A Corvette C8

By Will Daniel

The Rotavette Raffle is a great opportunity to help us raise money for the Rotary Annual Fund from outside of our membership. Everyone has a friend, neighbor or family member who is a car guy, that would love a 1 in 3000 chance to win a Corvette C8. Asking "that guy" to buy a $100 raffle ticket is a much easier ask, than saying, "will you give $100 to our Rotary Foundation." The money we raise this year, will come back to us in 3 years in the form District Designated Funds to support community grant, competitive grant and global grant projects. The more we raise, the more impact we will have in the future. Thanks for helping us share this fun opportunity to support the Annual Fund.

Tuesday, October 15 @6PM

The Gift To Rotary That Pays You Back

By Lee Hollingsworth

Did you know? Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) payment rates are at an all-time high and are an excellent option for people 50 years of age or older to make a gift that gives back! Senior Major Gifts Officer Debra Lowe and Planned Giving Officer Josh Olewiler along with Endowment/Major Gifts Advisor Dave Rauch invite you to join us for an interactive InfoZoom to learn more about how CGAs can benefit you (or someone you know) while supporting the great work of our Rotary Foundation. Scan the QR code or click here to register online. [more]

November 15, 2024

IRS Annual Filing Requirement

By David O'Rear

Whether your club is a subordinate under Rotary International’s 501(c)(4) group exemption or is independently tax-exempt, the IRS requires that all Rotary clubs in the U.S. and its territories file an annual information return. For clubs whose tax year follows the Rotary year, the deadline to file is 15 November. The form a club must file is dependent upon its gross receipts for the year. For more information, please see Frequently asked questions about annual reporting requirements for exempt organizations at www.irs.gov.

April 24-27, 2024 | Jekyll Island, GA

Register For District Conference

By Ryan Swertfager

We hope you've booked your hotel room for our first-ever joint district conference by now as there are only a few rooms left in our block. Now it's time to get registered. Registration will include meals from lunch on Friday to breakfast on Sunday, our beach tailgate party on Friday afternoon, live entertainment on Saturday night and a few adult beverages along the way. We are using DACdb for registration and most of you don't have a login, so click on the "Guest Registration" tab at the top of the registration form to get started. Visit GeorgiaUnitedDC.com for more information.

Attention Club Public Image Teams

Go Platinum with Your Public Image!

By Mandy Timmons

The Excellence in Public Image Coordination (EPIC) award presented by Zones 33-34 recognizes clubs for completing monthly tasks throughout the year.  Is your club on track? You can view your progress at https://elevaterotary.org/epic-status/. All tasks and deadlines for each month can be found at https://elevaterotary.org/epic-award/.  

Platinum Membership Award

Congratulations To Growing Clubs!

By Dave Schwickerath

Our combined Rotary Zones 33/34 has awarded 7 clubs in our district with a Platinum Membership Award for consecutive years of membership growth. East Cobb, Barnesville, Dougherty County, Cairo & Cuthbert all had 2 consecutive years of growth and we hope that trend continues into this year. We expect to see them back on the list for 3 years of growth. Alpharetta & North Cobb have had a positive growth trend for 5 years. This is an awesome accomplishment! If your club grew last year, keep it up as you are eligible for this recognition if you grow again this year.

International Legacy Giving Day

How will your Rotary legacy continue?

By Lee Hollingsworth

September 13, 2024 was International Legacy Giving Day and we had several people step up to leave money to The Rotary Foundation endowment fund. Rotary has a goal to raise $2,025 billion in its endowment by the end of 2025. This will ensure the good work of Rotary goes on long after any of us are still able to serve. While you can certainly make a cash contribution to the endowment fund today, most gifts come through a commitment to a gift as part of a will or trust. Simply fill out the legacy giving form and email it to lee@leehollingsworth.com. For gifts of $25,000 or more we will be in touch to discuss the details for setting up a named fund to honor your legacy.

October 17 @ 6pm

Attention Club Foundation Chairs

By Bob Hagan

Mark your calendars for the third Thursday of the month at 6PM EDT and join us for the “Foundation Matters” Webinar. We know you want to have an amazing year at your club, so we’re bringing you experienced leaders to share how to structure your Foundation Committee so you will create an exceptional year of foundation giving. Don’t miss this series! The “Foundation Matters” Webinar Series was developed especially for you-Club Presidents and Club Foundation Chairs. These monthly webinars will provide “bite-sized chunks” of valuable insights and actionable strategies that really work to increase club engagement in The Rotary Foundation.

October 14 @ 5:30pm

Attracting New Members Webinar

By Anna Finn

Join leaders in membership growth from around Rotary Zone 33/34 to learn best practices for attracting new members. This latest webinar titled, "Attraction Action: Build Your Club With Innovative and Traditional Solutions" will give you the best of both worlds. Hear from clubs that have tried some new things that worked well for their club and from others that are using more traditional techniques to attract new members. Either way, the goal is to grow our clubs so we can have even more impact in our community and beyond. We hope to see you online at 5:30pm on October 14. Click here to register.

RYLA Update

RYLA: Club Registration Now OPEN

By Jaclyn Donovan

All we are asking of clubs at this point is to decide if your club is going to sponsor students to attend RYLA and how many students that will be. Then you may use one of the following routes to send in your RSVP:

  1. Use this link to complete our RSVP online:  https://forms.gle/SVmSGCg1K4ZK8HZu6
  2. Go to www.RYLA6900.com/ryla-forms and download the “Club Commitment Form” to send in.
  3. Email Susan Ruckman or Jaclyn Donovan.
  4. [more]

Our Rotary Foundation at Work

Thomasville Expands Efforts to Reduce Food Insecurity

By David Sofferin

With the help of community partners and District 6900’s Community Grant, the Rotary Club of Thomasville is preparing grow bags with yellow squash plants and other vegetable seedlings for the 225 participants who will visit the club’s monthly manna drop in October.

This Rotary year marks three years since the club launched its monthly free fresh produce drops that provide fruits, vegetables, proteins, and other healthy foods to qualifying underserved households. Second Harvest of South Georgia is the club’s key partner for the free produce drops and other local entities offer financial support for the effort. At each of the club’s third Thursday’s meetings, members pack and sort fresh vegetables and fruit at the Second Harvest warehouse for the following Saturday’s market drop. At the market drop, participating households receive about 30 pounds of healthy foods—a combined total of roughly 6,750 pounds of fresh fruits, vegetables, frozen proteins, and other foods. [more]

Club News

Grab a Cold One and Energize Your Club!

By Kathryn Igou

In an exciting blend of community spirit and craft brewing,  Roswell Rotary  President Nancy Alterman teamed up with Roswell's own Variant Brewing Company to create a unique beverage designed to invigorate both the local community and the city's vibrant culture. This innovative partnership highlights Rotary’s commitment to service and community engagement, combining their expansive outreach with Variant’s reputation for high-quality, locally crafted brews. The result is an exclusive seltzer, aptly named "Energize Roswell," which promises to energize local residents and celebrate the town’s dynamic essence.

"Energize Roswell" is more than just a refreshing beverage; it embodies a shared vision of revitalizing and uniting the community. The brew is a lively seltzer with the vibrant flavors of hibiscus and lemonade, offering a unique twist with its floral, tangy notes. Brewed with a blend of hibiscus flowers and zesty lemonade, this refreshing concoction reflects the essence of summer and local flavor, while symbolizing a connection to Roswell’s roots. For Rotary, this project is an opportunity to further their mission of fostering positive change, while Variant Brewing Company showcases their dedication to supporting local initiatives and enhancing community life. [more]

Club News

A Weekend to Remember: GRSP Students Visit Peachtree City

By Mandy Timmons

Peachtree City had the honor of hosting 38 exceptional students from 21 countries during a fun-filled weekend for the Georgia Rotary Student Program (GRSP). These students, attending 25 different universities across Georgia, represent the diversity and cultural exchange at the heart of the GRSP. They are hosted by Rotary districts 6900, 6910, and 6920, and during their time in Peachtree City, we made sure to show them a true southern experience!


Did You Know Rotary Has A Float?

By Gordon Owens

Every year since 1980 the Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee has worked together to design, build, and showcase an awe-inspiring parade float that embodies the power of service and uplifts communities worldwide. Together, they celebrate Rotary’s core values of service above self, goodwill, and friendship, while cultivating lasting memories and embodying the essence of People of Action. If you want to join them on this magical journey and become a part of the Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee or make a donation, visit RotaryFloat.org. Together, we will continue making a difference, one float at a time!

Club News

Atlanta Southern Crescent Welcomes New Members

By Claudia Mertl

The Rotary Club of Atlanta Southern Crescent recently inducted three members into our family. Robert Lee, retired CEO. Tim Buchanan, Friends Together, and Bria Murray, House of Dawn, were inducted at a monthly social of the Club. Welcome to Rotary and your Club family!

Club News

Atlanta West End Expands Community Reach

By Jared Evans

Since 1958, the Rotary Club of Atlanta West End has been committed to building strong relationships among diverse servant leaders, using our resources to create a broader collective impact in our community. So, when we heard that Atlanta Streets Alive was returning to the West End in September, we knew we had to be involved.

Atlanta Streets Alive is a free, community-driven event that transforms city streets by temporarily closing them to cars and opening them up to pedestrians, cyclists, and skaters. It's all about encouraging active transportation, fostering community connections, and supporting local businesses. [more]

Accessibility | Belonging | Inclusion | Diversity | Equity

Midtown Atlanta's A.B.I.D.E. Framework

By Araba Dowell

Through our DEI Committee, and its A.B.I.D.E framework, we are intentional about accessibility, belonging, inclusion, diversity and equity. They are not just principles but everyday practices, ensuring that all individuals feel valued, heard, and empowered to thrive.

Our effort can be seen out in the community as well. Our DEI Co-Chair Araba Dowell recently attended the GRSP Conclave in Columbus, GA in support of international student Jordan Laurent Noeuku(Cameroon), a Computer Science Major at Morehouse College.

Saturday, November 9 @6PM

Support Tyrone's Global Grant Project

By Dorothy Hart

We invite you to join us in celerating Mr. Gideon Ticha. After 26 years of serving in the United State Army he is officially retiring. Even more exciting is he is post-retirement, Mr. Ticha is launching a consultancy focused on US-Africa business partnerships.

Join us to celebrate retirement with food, dance, and culture; while enjoying a taste of what is to come with the launching of the consultancy as we host a mini business fair, with representatives from major corporations.  [more]

Club News

Columbus Program Promotes Global Peace Through Mystical Arts of Tibet

By LeighAnn Dicesaris

The Rotary Club of Columbus recently held a unique program that highlighted the promotion of global peace and compassion through the ancient cultural tradition of the Mystical Arts of Tibet. River Center Board Chair Stephanie Hunter introduced the presentation.

The featured program was the return of Tibetan monks to the RiverCenter, where they spent a week creating the “Mandala of the Buddha of Compassion.” This intricate sand art installation, designed to represent the universe, was constructed in the River Center lobby, drawing hundreds of visitors throughout their residency. [more]

Saturday, October 26 | 9AM-7PM

Monster Smash Pickleball Tournament

By Holly Geerdes

Attention all Rotary clubs, bring your club pickle ball team to compete for the Rotary Club Championship Trophy. The Rotary Club of Johns Creek North Fulton is partnering with the ALTA Foundation to host the first annual Halloween Monster Smash Pickleball Tournament. This is going to be a really fun event for players of all skill levels and we will even have prizes for the best costumes. We have tons of courts at ITA Atlanta to host our matches and every participant will play at least 3 times before the medal rounds begin. For more information about playing or sponsoring the event, visit our tournament website.

October 22 @6PM

Join Us For Rotary Means Business

By Carter Stout

Each month a great group of Rotarians gathers with the specific goal of passing business to other Rotarians. If we support each other's businesses, we all benefit from the trickle down impact it will have in our communities. We hope to see you at our next meeting on Tuesday, October 22 at 6pm at Politan Row at Ashford Lane near Perimeter Mall. Come prepared to do some business networking with fellow Rotarians from around District 6900.

GRSP Alumni Spotlight

Francisco Lozano: GRSP Alumni Turned Rotarian

By Katheryne Fields

Francisco Lozano models Rotary International’s motto Service Above Self in many ways. He has surrounded himself with mentors and now serves as one to the program that brought him to the United States.

Francisco joined the Georgia Rotary Student Program GRSP family from Mazatlan, Mexico. He was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Canton from 2002-2003 and attended Reinhardt University. He was hosted by Jim and Kay Gilmore and Bob and Denise Robinson. He became an honorary club member in 2005 and a member in 2019 . [more]


New Little Blue Buckets Have Arrived!

By LouAnn Medlock

As you know, the "little blue buckets" that collect spare change for The CART Fund are the easiest way to support our district's efforts to #EndALZ! Because of your donations, more than $13 million has been awarded to researchers around the US.

If the #LittleBlueBuckets at your club have become worn out, faded, or worse yet, MIA, you can get FREE replacements from The CART Fund! Just message CART's Executive Director Tiffany Ervin and let her know how many you need and which address they should be shipped to!

LeGrange Runs for Literacy

By Jeff Wright

The Rotary Club of LaGrange crossed the finish line with great success in its second run for literacy. The first was held last year in conjunction with the club's 100th anniversary celebration. While the totals aren't in, race organizers say they raised more than last year and report great community support, including LaGrange Academy Alumni, Staff, Parents, and the Cross-Country team (some pictured here at the start).

Club News

Rotary in North Fulton County Helps Expand FODAC Collection Opportunities

By Kathryn Igou

So thrilling when a project that took two years of planning and strong connections with community partners becomes a reality. In September, a 40-foot container was delivered to the American Legion Post 201 parking lot at 201 Wills Road, Alpharetta. This container will serve as a collection and distribution point for new and gently used medical equipment. The Rotary Clubs of Roswell and Alpharetta and the American Legion Post 201 will manage the project along with the Rotary Clubs of Johns Creek and North Fulton. Other partners include Vision Warriors and the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars). And of course, FODAC (Friends of Disabled Adults & Children) who masterminded this program!

International Convention 2025

Join Us in Calgary for Rotary International Convention

By Mandy Timmons

The Rotary International Convention is coming to Calgary, Canada, from June 21-25, 2025, bringing together Rotarians worldwide to share ideas and celebrate achievements. You can take advantage of the special early bird registration rate of $525, available until December 15, 2024. Register at convention.rotary.org/en-us. Read on for info about D6900 accommodations and a little bit about why you might want to attend.

Club News

A Special Gift for DG Gordon Owens

By Ada Wikina

District Governor 6900 Gordon Owens visited the Rotary Club of North Cobb recently as part of his travels through the district. Two days earlier,  he unveiled the club’s first peace pole at The Men's Extension rehabilitation center. So, when Gordon visited us, we surprised him and gave him his own personal peace … [more]

Club News

Griffin Daybreak Learns from Variety of Speakers

By Debby Daniel-Bryant

Griffin Daybreak Rotary has had an interesting collection of speakers, addressing services for people with developmental disabilities, rural internet services, and activities in the Georgia legislature. Each speaker receives a children's book to sign for donation to a local school. 


Check out the full district scoreboard
Here are the clubs that are leading the way in our district for membership, annual fund and polio plus.
I Blakely North Atlanta Henry County
II Johns Creek North Fulton East Cobb Johns Creek North Fulton
III Midtown Atlanta Albany Albany
IV North Cobb Peachtree City Thomasville

Upcoming Key Dates

Saturday, October 5th, 2024Meriwether County (Warm Springs) Cotton Fair
Sunday, October 6th, 2024Dunwoody Welcome Picnic - Celebrating our RYE and GRSP Students
Tuesday, October 8th, 2024 Official Visit - Stone Mountain
Tuesday, October 8th, 2024 Official Visit - Atlanta Metro
Wednesday, October 9th, 2024 Official Visit - Tyrone
Wednesday, October 9th, 2024 Johns Creek North Fulton Satellite Club Induction Ceremony
Thursday, October 10th, 2024 Official Visit - North Atlanta
Friday, October 11th, 2024 Official Visit - Dunwoody
Saturday, October 12th, 2024 North Atlanta Rotary Whiskies of the World
Monday, October 14th, 2024 Official Visit - Senoia
Tuesday, October 15th, 2024 Official Visit - Fayetteville
Wednesday, October 16th, 2024 Official Visit - Newnan
Thursday, October 17th, 2024 Official Visit - Peachtree City
Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024 Rotary Means Business
Thursday, October 24th, 2024 World Polio Day