Serving During the Pandemic
Clubs Honor First Responders and Health Workers

Editor's Note: Thanks to the Rotary Clubs of South Cobb, Newnan and Thomaston-Upson for their service to the community and sharing their stories on Facebook.

Picture 1: The South Cobb Rotary Club and Sweetwater Mission in Austell, sponsored the 2020 Nurses Appreciation Week for all the Nurses and front line workers at Wellstar Cobb Hospital by inviting the Cobb Public Safety (Police/Fire/Sheriff's Dept/EMS/) personnel parade in front of the hospital with lights and sirens as a display of everyone's appreciation of their service to the community during the Covid-19 pandemic. Lunch and dinner was also provided to the 1500 staff members of Wellstar Cobb Hospital as a special way to say thanks for all they do for this community.

Picture 2: Rotary continues to support our First Responders during the COVID 19 Pandemic. The Rotary Club of Newnan served the entire Coweta County Sheriff's Office - both shifts. Thank you again Life of the South Catering for your wonderful brisket sandwiches, potato salad, cookies and other treats! The Club is thrilled to honor our community’s first responders - Piedmont Newnan Hospital Staff, Newnan Police Department, today the Coweta County Sheriff’s Department and will be expanding into our local Fire Departments.

Picture 3: In June, the Thomaston-Upson Rotary Club and Thomaston Housing Authority say "Thank You" to the Thomaston Police Department, Thomaston Fire Department and our local EMS personnel. Each agency received coffee, doughnuts and popcorn.

Posted by Jackie Cuthbert
July 6, 2020


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