GRSP Update
New GRSP District Officers and New Opportunities for GRSP

The Georgia Rotary Student Program is alive and well in District 6900!

As most of you know by now for the first time since 1946-1947 Georgia Rotarians will not welcoming international students to our state, our colleges and universities and our Clubs. Like Rotary Youth Exchange and other international programs, GRSP has cancelled the class of 2020-2021 due to the global pandemic. However, there is much work to do in the Clubs, the District and State to ensure GRSP emerges into the post-pandemic environment stronger and more vital than ever.

The original mission of GRSP is needed in today's geopolitical scene more than ever before in its 74 year history: "World Peace Through Understanding"

So 2020-2021 is a year to refocus, reimagine, reinvent and renew. Here are some of the exciting opportunities for GRSP this year:

  1. Complete the implementation of the GRSP Strategic Plan developed under the leadership of the Fanning Institute at UGA
  2. Move the GRSP Endowment from the operating organization to it's own 501 C 3 organization, the Georgia Rotary Student Program Foundation
  3. Select the class of 2021-2022. Clubs may wish to reoffer their scholarship to their 2020-2021 student.
  4. Inform Clubs about new ways to sponsor students that are more affordable, especially for smaller Clubs. This is the "pilot program" pioneered in District 6900.
  5. Prepare for the 75th Anniversary GRSP Conclave to be hosted by the RC of Thomasville in August 2021.

Finally, with the beginning of the new Rotary year all three GRSP District Officers changed. First, many thanks to outgoing District Chair, Lynn Clarke (RC of Bremen) and outgoing District Directors, Bill Smith (RC of Brookhaven) and Ian Bond (RC of Columbus). For the last six years this has been a strong and energetic team.

Meet the new District GRSP Officers approved by the GRSP Trustees for 6900:

  • District Chair: Ian Bond (RC of Columbus), pictured with GRSP students from Sweden, Belgium and Germany at a dinner hosted by Columbus State University. Julie and I have been a multiple host family and I have served six years as a Trustee and another six years as a GRSP District Director.
  • District Director: Aadu Allpere (RC of Buckhead). Aadu has been a host family and served for six years as a Trustee. He will be supporting the 6900 Trustees in the Atlanta metro area and West Georgia north of I-20.
  • District Director: George Siggins (RC of Henry County), pictured here introducing the joy of gliding to GRSP students from Brazil and Colombia. George has been a host family, served for six years as a Trustee and three years as an Advisory Trustee. He will be supporting the 6900 Trustees outside the metro area and south of I-20 all the way to the Florida border.

Posted by Ian Bond
September 3, 2020


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