Serving During the Pandemic
Vinings Cumberland and Smyrna Join Forces for Schools

Vinings Cumberland Rotary and Smyrna Rotary have both spent years supporting area public schools.

Vinings Cumberland Past President Neill Ferrill led a recent ad hoc service project to provide backpacks and supplies for Compton Elementary School in Cobb County - raising $500 per club for $1,000 total. “Historically,” says Ferrill, “this Title I elementary school relied heavily on the contributions of nearby churches to meet the needs of its 500 students. With church-giving disrupted in this COVID environment, the generous Rotarians of the Vinings Cumberland and Smyrna Clubs took on this need that would have otherwise left many of Compton Elementary students without critical school supplies as they work remotely.”

Through amazing financial support AND a boots on the ground efforts, in one week much needed school supplies were collected and delivered to Compton Elementary School! Ferrill adds, “The school was so thrilled by how many of their needs were met: 30 new backpacks FULL of needed supplies, 500 assignment folders, 150 pairs of children scissors and an additional $250 to quickly respond to additional school supply needs when they arise!” “I’m proud that we could partner with the Vinings-Cumberland Club to provide much needed basic schools supplies to kids in our area,” added Smyrna Rotary’s President Roy Acree. “Having a local impact, helping our kids, and serving our community is a significant aspect of what Rotary is all about.”

Posted by Narayan Sengupta
September 3, 2020


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