From Our District Chaplain
Words of Inspiration

I always like to give honor, to whom honor is due, first to God, my wife Jacqueline and District Governor Kirk Driskell and the Assistant Governors of Rotary, along with all the Presidents of Rotary especially my President Diane Adoma of South DeKalb Rotary. And honor to all whom honor is due that are in Rotary 6900 and Rotary International.

As I sit and reflect on what the world is dealing with today - issues such as COVID-19, homelessness, racial injustice, racial unrest and pure hatred for mankind, I am extremely pleased to be a part of Rotary, mainly because this organization embodies the very thing that God expected of us who are believers. This organization has helped so many people young and old, male and female , and of all nationalities, showing what brotherly and sisterly love is all about.

This is similar to the love that God showed towards us according to St. John 3:16 when he gave his only begotten son. And his son Jesus gave of himself all the way to the cross according to Matthews 27:46-50 I find this to be so uplifting and encouraging, especially in a time when we really need to be there for each other. Not necessarily going to the cross, but willing to show the love of God through our deeds.

As the Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 13:3-4, "And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor and though I give my body to be burned and have not charity (love), it profited me nothing. Charity, suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up." in conclusion the Apostle Paul said in Verse 13, "Now: abides faith, hope, charity (love) these three; but the greatest of these is charity (love)."

That speak truly about the deeds of Rotary. So let’s stay encouraged and continue the course by working together so that God will get the Glory.

Posted by Gregory Adams
November 5, 2020


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