District News
Thomasville Celebrates District 6900's Newest Future District Governor Selection

From Fulton County to Thomasville covering one third of the state, the 71 Rotary Clubs in Rotary District 6900 with nearly 4,300 members will be represented by Thomasville’s own Andre’ Marria when she assumes the title of District Governor for the Rotary year 2023-2024.

Marria’s appointment was announced at the Rotary Club of Thomasville meeting December 17. As is the custom when future Rotary District Governors are announced, Past District Governors attend the home club of the District Governor Nominee Designate when the announcement is made. Attending the December 17 meeting were Past District Governor (PDG) Bob Hagan, Roswell; District Governor Elect, Mary Ligon, Dougherty; District Governor Nominee Designate Andre’ Marria, Thomasville; PDG Fran Milberg, Thomasville; PDG Cheryl Greenway, Roswell; District Governor Nominee George Granada, Griffin; PDG Court Dowis, Harris County and PDG Raymond Ray, Griffin Daybreak. We congratulate and celebrate Andre’ and look forward to her leadership of District 6900.

Editor's Note: In 2017, Andre' was featured in the District Newsletter as one of our Rotary People of Action. You can view that story to learn more about our future District Governor.

Posted by Michael Bixler
January 10, 2021


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