From Our District Governor
Facing Challenges; Adapting to Change; Delivering Hope

As we welcome in 2021 with a renewed sense of hope, encouragement and goals it is with out question they will intersect with the challenges of COVID-19. I can honestly say that I was praying we would be in further along in restoring our “normal” lives. This pandemic is serious as it affects the health and lives of many with little known about it. Uncertainty is uncomfortable and is inconvenient as we have to adapt our plans.

Uncertainty is a part of life and how we react to it will direct our paths. Our intentions do not determine our destination; our actions do. I have been so encouraged by the actions of the Rotarians in District 6900. You are truly “People of Action.” I have witnessed the innovation of new clubs being formed, long standing club traditions changed, new fundraisers birthed, and front line service projects delivering immediate needed relief. That is the Rotarian Spirit, we have an incredible District because of our Rotarians' willingness to adapt in the time of need to meet the needs of their communities.

As we look ahead do not be discouraged..... We can view the day filled with opportunities or problems. We have the ability to choose how we view the challenges that lie ahead. Stay positive, keep serving and making an impact in our communities.

“It is not enough to say that we have arrived until we answer the question, “Where and to what purpose” Arthur H. Sapp, 1929 RI Convention 

Thanks for all you continue to do.

DG Kirk

Pictured: DG Kirk joined this Rotary mask and sanitizer distribution project in early January.

Posted by Kirk Driskell
February 1, 2021


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