RI Convention 2021
Rotary Opens Opportunities - Still Time to Register for 2021 Virtual Convention

Registration continues for  the 2021 Virtual Convention: Rotary Opens Opportunities which will take place from 12 through 16 June 2021. ! Don’t miss your chance to connect with Rotary members from around the world.

Unless you registered before May 7, the registration fee is $65.

You can also join us early at a preconvention, 10-11 June, for Intercountry Committees, Rotaract, and Rotary Youth Exchange officers. Each pre-convention will cost an additional $20. The 2021 Virtual Rotary Convention and pre-conventions are open to all Rotary members and participants and include access to the virtual House of Friendship.

Don’t forget to visit the convention event page on Facebook to connect with others and stay up-to-date on event news and program highlights! Visit the RI Convention website to register today and save!

Posted by Mary Ligon
May 10, 2021


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