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District 6900 News for August, 2020

From Our District Governor

Join the Check Up On Them Challenge

By Kirk Driskell

While Covid-19 has changed our day-to-day activities, what are you doing to still stay connected? There are many that have not been able to adapt to the change as fast as others. We are all familiar with the most common CDC recommendations on limiting contact, but what about calling your friends?

Dr. Lim, a psychologist says, "Loneliness is about feeling disconnected, even when you have people around you." I have seen many clubs adapt quickly, but that does not mean that all of their members have. Now more than ever it is important to reach out and check on your family, friends and club members. If you have not seen them online or in person lately, give them a call. We never know how much a simple phone call can impact someone.


Let's Get Social

By Jaclyn Donovan

Did you know that DG Kirk Driskell wants to pay for your club to have a party? It's true! In an effort to promote fellowship and membership growth, District 6900 will provide up to $250 to clubs for the express purpose of hosting a club membership social to attract new potential members and introduce them to the fun of Rotary.

This is a Matching grant, meaning that club expenses must total $500 or more to be eligible for the full $250, while any amount less than $500 will be divided evenly between club and District. So invite your family, friends, and prospective Rotarians – have fun!! Funds are limited, though, so this is a “First Come, First Serve” deal. Presidents and Membership Chairs have already received the appropriate documents via email, but anyone with any questions is welcome to contact District Membership Chair Jaclyn Donovan.

Women in Rotary

Join the Infinite Possibilities: Women in Rotary Membership Series

By Kirk Driskell

District 6960 is excited to present INFINITE POSSIBILITIES: Women In Rotary! This Four-Part Membership Series offers you the unique opportunity to hear from some of the most dynamic speakers in Rotary. The topics focus on Rotary history, celebrations, challenges, vision, encouragement, enthusiasm and motivation to grow your membership! As we bring major Rotary International speakers to the forefront, we have every confidence you will find each one-hour webinar well worth your time and attention.

Club News

South DeKalb Presents a Focus on Clean Water Issues ... Join On Zoom

By Diane Adoma

Join the Rotary Club of South DeKalb on Zoom on Wednesday, August 12 to hear Rotary Club of South DeKalb environmentalist Dr. Jacqueline Echols talk about the difficulty of solving problems related to the lack of access to clean water. The Rotary Foundation includes water and sanitation as a key focus area. You must be registered to receive the private zoom link. Click here to register: https://events.eventzilla.net/e/rotary-club-of-south-dekalb--2138794966

Food for Thought

‘Clubbing’ in the age of COVID

By Jackie Cuthbert

Newnan Rotarian Clay Neely recently wrote an opinion piece in the Newnan-Times Herald - talking about the value of social engagement - both to our personal health and the health of our communities. He talks about Malcolm Jackson, former president of the White Oak Golden K, a group of retired gentlemen (average age 75) who meet every Thursday morning. "When COVID-19 hit, the group moved to online meetings without skipping a beat. The group is now averaging 35 to 40 attendees per online meeting." You can read the article now and then think about DG Kirk's challenge to stay connected.

The Rotary Foundation

Smyrna Global Grant Approved for Pediatric Nephrology Center Project in Jamaica

By Narayan Sengupta

The Rotary Foundation has approved A $40,000 global grant application for the Rotary Club of Smyrna Rotary Club of Smyrna and the Rotary Club of St. Andrew-North in District 7020 (the Caribbean). This project will help provide Continuous Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitors to pediatric nephrology centers in Kingston Bustamante Hospital for Children (BHC) and University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI). It will also help develop a pediatric nephrology center at Cornwall Regional Hospital (CRH) in Montego Bay, Jamaica.

From Facebook

Atlanta West End Uses Facebook for Public Service

By Jackie Cuthbert

The Rotary Club of Atlanta West End has used its Facebook page to post useful information for the community and its members. Recently, it posted a tribute and this photo of Representative Lewis with Assistant Governor Ceasar Gaiters. The club also posted in July: “On November 3, 1957, 80 Atlanta ministers published a manifesto on the front page of the Atlanta Journal Constitution addressing racial tension and integration...."

From Facebook

Rotarians Feed Local Communities

By Jackie Cuthbert

Check out the photo from the Dougherty County Rotary Club's “Farmily” Day in late June. At this family affair, members of the club planted over 400 sweet potato plants at the Flint River Fresh Community Garden. The garden aims to make fresh, locally-grown produce accessible and affordable for people throughout the Flint River Region in Southwest Georgia. And the photo of East Cobb Rotarians in action with its partner, the YMCA, to pack food bags!

From Facebook

District Grant Creates Rotary Learning Lab in North Fulton

By Jackie Cuthbert

The Rotary Club of Roswell partnered with the Rotary Clubs of North Fulton and Milton on a grant that will provide HomeStretch with an onsite computer lab that children will use with their tutors to complete school assignments and further their education. Currently, students have to travel to another site to receive tutoring. As you can imagine, with working parents and limited resources this is often difficult. Do to child safety and regulations tutors are not allowed in the residences at HomeStretch.

From Facebook

Atlanta Metro Rotary Club Featured in Rotarian Magazine

By Jackie Cuthbert

The Atlanta Metro Rotary Club was featured in The Rotarian magazine in July for acting as a change agent for Rotary – with a club that provides young professionals who have been in Rotaract a seamless transition to Rotary that offers mentorship and networking.

Service Opportunity

Join the Rotary Club of Atlanta in Honduras - March 6-13

By Bob Hope

The 20th annual Atlanta Rotary Club trip to rural Honduras is scheduled for March 6 through 13, 2021, pending the reopening of Honduras to foreign visitors. Rotarians from other clubs are welcome to join the trip. According to Rotary International, the Atlanta club’s trip is the largest Rotary club sponsored mission trip in the world, averaging more than 50 travelers each spring. The group has built schools and continues to work on education, healthcare, economic development and water projects each year.

From Facebook

Staying Connected

By Jackie Cuthbert

Rotary Club of Columbus President Joe Young and DG Kirk Driskell recently talked about meetings in the day of the pandemic … you can view their video conversation on Facebook.

The Rotary Club of Buckhead has devised a number of socials to keep members connected during the pandemic – on Zoom ... and in driveway parties limited to 12 guests at any one Rotarian’s home.


Club News

Moultrie Promotes Literacy Through Little Free Libraries

By Jaclyn Donovan

The Rotary Club of Moultrie launched its “Little Free Library” initiative this summer and just recently placed two libraries in town - the first inside of Main Street Park and the second in front of City Hall. Each library is a book-sharing box where people of all ages can come to take a book or leave a book, and the focus is promoting literacy and encouraging more people to read.

Club News

Lake Spivey/Clayton County Brags on Its Rotarian of the Year

By Ron Swofford

The Rotary Club of Lake Spivey/Clayton County celebrates the selection of Lata Chinnan as its Rotarian of the Year Award for 2019 - 2020. In her role as a dedicated club member and the club's Foundation Director, Rotarian Lata consistently supported all club projects and initiated important projects. An example would be the project she started this spring with a $10,000 matching grant to provide COVID-19 supplies to local hospitals and 11 other Clayton County community service organizations. This project succeeded in providing much needed gloves, masks, and sanitizer for these critically important organizations.

Club News

Americus Awards Lifelong Learning Grant to Local Law Enforcement Professional

By Angela Smith

The Rotary Club of Americus recently recognized Maqueisha Smith, Communications Officer with the Sumter County Sheriff's Office with a Rotary District 6900 Lifelong Learning Grant "Thanks to the generosity of Rotary Clubs within District 6900, there were 10 awards made available to recipients who would benefit from financial aid to enroll in programs to advance their careers," stated club president Angela Smith. [more]

DeKalb Rotary Council Thanks Ceasar Gaiters for His Leadership

By Cathie Brumfield

At the July DeKalb Rotary Council meeting, outgoing Council Chair Ceasar Gaiters was recognized for his leadership by a $500 donation to his charity, JABY INC.- an international 501(c) 3 non-profit serving people all over the world by Mentoring, Community Service, Scholarships and Endowments. For the last three years, the Council contributed to the Brookhaven Service Above Self Golf Tournament. This year the Council is also giving a $5,000 Grant to the Rotary Club of Emory Druid Hills to provide Bunk Beds for the Girls School they built in India.

From Facebook

Offering Support in a Back Pack

By Jackie Cuthbert

The Alpharetta and Milton Rotary Clubs both delivered back packs last month to the North Fulton Community Charities. Milton's president said, "Even though we don’t know how long we will be virtually learning at least the kids can be organized at home and feel ready!” [more]

From Facebook

Carrollton Clubs Make a Difference in Their Community

By Jackie Cuthbert

The Rotary Club of Carrollton closed out the year by supporting six local nonprofits that epitomize Rotary's "Service Above Self" motto: THS Emergency Shelter, Carroll County Mental Health Advocates, Friends of the Neva Lomason Memorial Library, Carroll County Training Center, the Blake House, and Carroll County Council on Aging. The club … [more]

From Facebook

Pine Mountain Fire Department Receives Grant Through Rotary Club of Harris County

By Jackie Cuthbert

The Rotary Club of Harris County and Chief Thomas Scott of the Pine Mountain Fire Department successfully competed for a $500 district grant that will be used to buy materials to support training and continuing education of department members. “This grant is really important to us,” said Chief Scott. “It allows us to take our training to an even higher level and keep our first responders sharp and professional.” Pine Mountain Mayor Jim Trott said, “On behalf of the town, I thank the Rotary Club of Harris County for bringing this grant to us. And for helping us compete for and win the award.” Pictured here: Chief Scott, past Rotary President Tom Shaver and Mayor Jim Trott

From Facebook

Marietta Metro Awards Three Interact Scholarships

By Jackie Cuthbert

In June, the Rotary Club of Marietta Metro awarded three $1,000 Interact College Scholarships … one at each of the high schools where the club sponsors Interact Clubs. This year’s recipients were:

  • Temitope Kassim of Marietta High School, who will attend the University of Notre Dame
  • Alyssa Emam of Pope High School, who will attend the University of South Florida
  • Sam Thompson of Lassiter High School, who will attend the University of Georgia.
  • [more]

From Facebook

Paulding County Donates Life-Saving Equipment

By Jackie Cuthbert

The Paulding County Rotary Club reached out to local Veterans - donating two AED Defibrillators to American Legion Post 70 and Post 111. Local Veterans of all ages gather regularly at these Legion Halls. Having modern easy to use safety equipment on hand could potentially save the life of one of our veterans. 

From Facebook

Bremen Helps Scout Install Exercise Equipment for Community

By Jackie Cuthbert

Bremen High School student Bryce Calain recently installed Outdoor Exercise Equipment at Blue Devil Family Park for his Eagle Scout Project. The Bremen Rotary Club was proud to help sponsor this great addition to the Blue Devil Family Park. Congrats, Bryce, on a job well done.

From Facebook

Peachtree City Involves Community in 47th Annual Smart Directory

By Jackie Cuthbert

The Rotary Club of Peachtree City put out a call to local photographers, asking for their best shot of what Fayette and Coweta County represents to them by submitting photos that highlight iconic places, landmarks or events! The club is in the final stages of preparing its 47th annual edition of the “Rotary Smart Directory” - the community’s best resource for listings, advertisements and offers from businesses and service providers covering Fayette County, Newnan and East Coweta. The directory is still available in printed form as well as on-line at www.rotaryphonebook.com. And the winning photo will go on this year’s cover.

From Facebook

Sandy Springs Supports Community Assistance Center

By Jackie Cuthbert

Members of the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs made a mid-July visit to the Community Assistance Center (CAC) in Sandy Springs to present a donation of $1,315! The club raised the funds as part of a Derby Day fundraiser event in May that was organized by the Alpharetta Rotary Club. Pictured: Sandy Springs Rotary President John Neill, Benjy Dubovsky, Nancy Schroeder, Todd Lawrimore, Will MacArthur, and CAC CEO Tamara Carrera.

From Facebook

Entrants Run the Vinings Downhill From As Far Away as Norway

By Jackie Cuthbert

This year’s Vinings Down Hill 5K race took place this past weekend ... virtually, allowing participants to walk or run wherever they chose. Former GRSP student Lars ran the race in his native Norway. This year is in memory of race founder Vinings Cumberland Rotarian Charles Heinz. The local charities that benefit from the funds raised from the race need them more than ever to serve our neighbors in great need. You can register at http://viningsdownhill5k.com/

From Facebook

Celebrating Rotarians and Rotary Years Making a Difference

By Jackie Cuthbert

The Rotary Clubs of North Cobb, LaGrange, Muscogee Columbus, North Fulton and Dunwoody all recognized Rotarians who made extraordinary contributions to their clubs and their communities in 2019-20, then posted those recognitions on Facebook to share their story of Rotary. Check it out! [more]

Club News

Thomasville Supports Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program

By Susan Backofen

Five years ago, when Scott Rich was the president of the Rotary Club of Thomasville, Rotarian Andre’ Marria approached Rich and the board of directors to ask for their local financial support of a Morehouse College School of Medicine Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Initiative (TPPI).TPPI is a federally funded initiative designed to reduce teen pregnancy rates and to serve approximately 3,450 middle and high school youth over a five-year period in six Georgia Counties.

With the approval of the board, the club committed $3,000 in local funding for the TPPI project. In the next four years, succeeding club presidents and their boards recognized the extreme importance of the project and continued the yearly financial support of the initiative. During the five years of the project, the club has given a total of $15,500. in local support of the TPPI which concluded June 30, 2020. Under the direction of the local Rotary Youth Services committee the Thomasville Rotary Club secured an additional $3500 in local funding through a Rotary District Grant. Total local funding provided TPPI during the life of the grant has been $19,000.

Upcoming Key Dates

Tuesday, August 11th, 2020Dougherty County (Albany) Official Visit & Board Meeting
Thursday, August 13th, 2020Camilla Official Visit & Board Meeting
Wednesday, August 19th, 2020Johns Creek North Fulton Official Visit & Board Meeting
Thursday, August 20th, 2020North Atlanta Official Visit & Board Meeting
Monday, August 24th, 2020Henry County Official Visit & Board Meeting
Tuesday, August 25th, 2020Barnesville Official Visit & Board Meeting
Wednesday, August 26th, 2020Griffin Daybreak Official Visit & Board Meeting
Thursday, August 27th, 2020Griffin Official Visit & Board Meeting
Tuesday, September 1st, 2020Carrollton Board & Official Visit
Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020Carrollton Dawnbreakers Board & Official Visit
Friday, September 4th, 2020Atlanta West End Board & Official Visit
Tuesday, September 8th, 2020Americus Board & Official Visit
Wednesday, September 9th, 2020Cordele Board & Official Visit
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