The Rotary Foundation
Set Your Goals to Make a Difference - Support TRF!

Goals. Every study ever completed agrees that the likelihood of success is improved when you set a goal. Your Rotary club is no different. If you want a strong Rotary club that is growing and vibrant, you need to set goals. Have a vision of what you want to accomplish.

This morning I pulled up a Foundation giving report for our district. It lists each club and how much that club has given to the Foundation so far this year. To date, the clubs in D6900 have given a total of $103,912. Thank you! About $30,000 of that went to PolioPlus and $72,000 to the Annual Fund. But I also saw something disturbing on the report. This report also lists the Foundation Giving goals for each club. Out of 70 clubs, only 18 clubs have set goals. This is the lowest in our district’s history. Most years we have goals entered from 67-68 of our clubs.

Goals are not just about giving. They are about Doing!

Does this mean that we don’t care about The Rotary Foundation any more? I don’t think so. Several of the clubs who have already sent in donations don’t have goals entered.

Does this mean The Rotary Foundation is simply an afterthought? Clubs will just send whatever is left over at the end of the year? I don’t think that is true either. Clubs have applied for, and received funding, for some very aggressive District Grant projects. We have several new members in the Paul Harris Society and Global Grant applications are taking off! We have 3 grants waiting for Foundation approval, 2 more getting final signatures so they can submit and another 7 in development. And that doesn’t include the 29 Global Grants and 2 Global Scholars already in progress.

Clearly, The Rotary Foundation is a priority for our clubs. So why are we not setting goals? I don’t know, but I would encourage your club to enter your Foundation giving goals today. It only takes a few minutes. Go to Rotary. Org, log in and click on Rotary Club Central. Once there, click Goal Center and enter your Foundation goals today.

Questions? Contact me or any member of the Foundation team. We are here to help you Do Good in the World.

Posted by Margie Kersey
September 8, 2017


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