From the District Governor
Support Our Biggest Force Multiplier

The first—and arguably the best—reason to be a Rotarian is because Rotary amplifies your ability to serve others. By joining with 1.2 million other Rotarians around the globe, you dramatically increase your impact on our world. Alone you can do little. As a Rotarian you can help a disabled neighbor gain access to their house; fix a life broken by abuse; build a dam in Africa; provide food to children in our schools who are hungry; help thousands learn to read; eradicate polio; and support tens of thousands of other acts of kindness all across our planet.

The Rotary Foundation, your foundation, is the engine that enables this multiplying effect.

As we head towards the fourth quarter of this Rotary year, I ask you and every Rotarian to take a look at your financial situation and consider providing some additional support to our foundation. If you have already given, think about giving a little more this year. And if you haven't yet gotten around to making your gift this year, please go ahead and do so now.

Thank you.

Donate Now

Posted by Alec Smythe
March 5, 2018


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