Disaster Relief
District-Recommended Disaster Relief Projects

As we learn more about the rebuilding needs of our Rotary partner Districts and Clubs in the Caribbean, our Disaster Relief team has chosen two projects where our money can be put to immediate/short term good use.

District 7030 (southern Caribbean) Disaster Network of Assistance

District 7030 has formed a Rotary Disaster Network of Assistance – Rotary Action Group (DNA-RAG) for the islands of Barbuda and Dominica. The project we will support will help put roofs back on houses. We have chosen this project because:

  1. They need our help.
  2. They have a Rotary approved action group in place to handle funds properly.
  3. We will have verification of the use of our donations by PDG David Edwards (you may remember David as our Rotary International President’s Representative at our District Conference several years ago). We met with David and have decided this is the right place and the right time for us to assist as we can.

Please make your donations to the Rotary District 6900 Charitable Fund, a 501c3. Check should be marked for Hurricane Relief – District 7030, or Hurricane Relief Caribbean. Send your donations to District Treasurer James Marosek.

Attn James Marosek
2810 Premiere Parkway Ste 200
Duluth, GA 30097

The District will forward your donations ot the DNA-RAG and account for the money donated.

Aqua Box

Aqua Box is a short-term/low-cost/high-impact project that provides families the filters need to create their own safe drinking water. Aqua Box appears to have been overwhelmed by all the disasters requiring their filters, but are restocking as fast as possible. A box of filters for a family costs about $160 US. Acqua Box would be a perfect project for small clubs or even Interact or Rotaract Clubs. See www.aquabox.org for more information. Again send your checks to District Treasurer James Marosek at the address above and mark them Aqua Box Hurricane Relief.

Those clubs who wish to may still contribute directly to any of the Rotary International Donor Advised Funds for Disaster Relief in the US, Caribbean, Mexico, and around the world. Donor Advised Funds are listed on Rotary International’s website at www.rotary.org.

Should you have questions please contact PDG Steve Stanfield, Disaster Relief Chair at stevestanfield@bellsouth.net.

Thanks for all that each of you do for the citizens of our world.

Posted by Steve Stanfield
October 28, 2017


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