From the District Governor
Natural Disaster Trifecta

As I write this, the people of Texas are just starting to see the Harvey floodwaters subside, Irma is plowing through the Caribbean headed directly for Florida, Georgia and South Carolina and last night Mexico suffered a major earthquake. So we have plenty of work to do in our own corner of the globe to help the needy. I’ve already sent out information on how to contribute towards Harvey recovery. For those looking to help Irma victims, the best immediate bet is the Rotary DNA-RAG (Disaster Network of Assistance-Rotary Action Group). This group has already set up a fund for District 7020 in the Caribbean, but you can designate funds to any district. We will share information as we learn more about how we can help in the short term.

In many cases there will be lasting damage and a need for significant investments in the areas of community rebuilding, clean water, disease prevention, etc. Clubs might consider mounting global grants to help those in Mexico and the Caribbean recover. These grants will take a while to put together, but the need will be there for longer still.

Posted by Alec Smythe
September 8, 2017


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