Rotary People in Action
Ceasar Gaiters, Rotary Club of South DeKalb

In 2016, Ceasar Gaiter presented Congressman John Lewis with a Trailblazer Award

In 2016, Ceasar Gaiter presented Congressman John Lewis with a Trailblazer Award

This month, District 6900 is honoring South DeKalb Rotarian Ceasar Gaiters for his personal contribution to the community. Ceasar is currently CEO of Gaiter Ventures Inc., where he leads the company’s community and philanthropic strategy, which is focused on fostering our youth through mentoring and furthering education. He is also the CFO of another non-profit—JABY Inc—and president of its annual fundraiser, The International Trailblazers Awards. In its tenth year this year, the International Trailblazer Awards have raised more than $100,000—money that has been used to provide scholarships to disadvantage youths and to fund JABY INC’s endowment at N.C. State University

. JABY Inc. has also been involved in providing tuxedos for young men to attend prom, giving school supplies to needy children, along with using Suite 20 Xpress Hair Salon to provide free back to school hair services for young ladies. Ceasar and his ex-wife Kristy Gaiters started JABY INC in 2007 to handle the day-to-day operations of their philanthropic endeavors.

This year's recipients included Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed, Tampa Bay Bucs Brent Grimes, Apostle Tim Atunnise and seven others pictured here.

In 2014, Ceasar joined the Rotary Club of South DeKalb, whose values and goals were in line with his beliefs of giving back and serving his community. With the prodding of several Rotarians he respected, he agreed to serve as Club President in 2016. Using his contacts in the community and trying to lead by example, he spearheaded a 60% growth in club membership in his first year as President and kept a 100% retention rate. Leaning on the experience of the Club whose members are committed to the revitalization of South Dekalb allowed Ceasar to take opportunities to visit and connect the club to other clubs in the District through project partnerships and community service events. He is often quoted as saying “for a small club, we are boots on the ground and I couldn’t do it without the past leadership of South DeKalb Rotary Club or the support of our members."

Posted by Jackie Cuthbert
September 5, 2017


Posted by Alec Smythe
Rotary Club of Buckhead
September 10, 2017 1:49pm

Ceasar you are a great Rotarian!

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