Serving During the Pandemic
Dunwoody Supports ROTEX India Drive to Buy Oxygen Concentrators

When ROTEX 3054 (Rotary Alumni of RYE Students) in India started a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for Oxygen concentrators, the Rotary Club of Dunwoody was quick to respond. Between funds from the Dunwoody Rotary Charitable Fund and contributions from club members, we were able to wire $2,000 almost overnight.

Thanks to contributions from Dunwoody and other Rotary clubs, districts and Rotarians, the ROTEX OXYGEN Bank is running in full swing with 20 machines already in bank and more to be added based on the need and COVID-19 situation. The ROTEX team even went beyond its own Rotary district to serve and has send some machine for use in Coimbatore, down south as the situation in that part of the country is not so good. This is a tribute to the difference we are able to make in the lives of the young people we host through the Rotary Youth Exchange Program.

Posted by Mike Parks
June 4, 2021


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